42 m…my wife cheated, about 12 months ago

I had to set up marriage counseling, she also didn’t except responsibility initially which of course made me feel worse plus , she got upset right away and accusing of me of cheating , so that was outstanding. ……… . ////We were supposed to meet this morning but it was cancelled lol //// so iMessage back like. ? Five or 10 minutes goes by I’m like what are you trying to say here? Who had a meeting lol And then I’m like this kind a looks like you’re playing around and it’s not really funny so can you explain and then.. I mean to me it’s pretty clear that she’s messing around because I had a head injury from my service so she’s well aware from the military doctors and everything that you know clear communication, consistency, etc. etc. but couldn’t understand or see my point of you as to why this would be upsetting to receive before she goes to work and then she doesn’t respond for a couple hours because my mind went to wonderful places you know
Thank you for your time

  1. How did you find out about the cheating?

    Listen, she cheated, she’s gaslighting you, and if she didn’t tell you and you found out another way she has been lying to you. There is nothing you posted that leads me to believe she is remorseful or sorry. Maybe sorry she got caught. This isn’t going to end well if you try to make this relationship work……..she’s toxic and you would be better off cutting your loses . Get a lawyer and start planning a life without her in it. Sorry you are going through this.

  2. I would be more upset I didn’t get to watch! If she is going to do it at least include me….

  3. My mom did the same with my dad. After he caught my mom cheating, he asked her to go to marriage counseling with him. After the 4th or 5th time, the therapist took mercy on my dad and said, “If she wanted to stay in this marriage she would’ve been here. You did your part already in trying to make this work, she’s refusing to move.” This really helped my dad in getting the courage to file for divorce and strength to decline my mom’s attempts in trying to get back together.

  4. She does not deserve the effort. You’re wasting energy trying to fix the relationship while she’s actively destroying it.

  5. Dude, don’t even bother with reconciliation or marriage counseling. Get yourself some individual counseling and a divorce lawyer. That’s what you need.

  6. Sucks but time to talk to a lawyer and file for divorce. Even if you really want to reconcile with her you won’t ever be able to get that little voice out of the back of your mind. in my experience that little voice is usually right

  7. I would have a long chat with a divorce lawyer. You’re 12 months kate for it to be honest. Don’t waste your time any more, sir. She clearly has no respect for you of thinks that you wont have the balls to file for divorce. Good luck in the battles to come.

  8. I am sorry sir, but if it was multiple men, and has gone on for years, it probably will not stop. I think due to your head injury, and three children involved, you really need some sort of in person support system or hired advisor you could look up George Bruno on Youtube he is an older man that specifically coaches men on how to get divorced I think he could be trusted he also may be a fatherly voice to you to help you get through this process (emotionally/mentally) and afterwards from his content. You need to make sure you do not get completely screwed over in the divorce. Do not let her know you are divorcing her ahead of time until all your ducks are lined up in a row, if you let her know ahead of time, she will have the upper hand and advantage by far. Alot of us mess up in who we choose to be with for our first marriages, you’re not alone in that.

  9. Get a lawyers a real blood hound. Throw her through the ringer and clean her out. She’s a ho and not even sorry. Kick her too the curb and give her no chances.

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