There have been reports suggesting that TikTok doubles as a spyware app for the government of China to monitor user data, and potentially use that data. Given how the app is used by millions of Americans, it would definitely not be a small concern if proven true. How do you personally feel about it if you use the app (or are close with someone who does)?

  1. We blindly accept to so many user agreements and policies that most don’t care. Facebook listens to you and tracks your searches, Google has an algorithm that skews searches with bias. We’re all on a government camera at some point during the day.

    What difference does it make if China knows who I follow for vegan recipes? They can just ask YouTube.

  2. That’s why I don’t have the app installed.

    Given that the ByteDance CEO stepped down last year, it just seems like something I don’t need in my life.

  3. On my list of worries, it doesn’t even crack the top 50

    I’m gen z. My entire life I have been putting my information on the internet. I’m sure the Chinese government knew all about me by the age of 10

    I…just assume every time I hop on the internet, someone somewhere is receiving my data. And I legit don’t care if it is the US government or the Chinese government. As long as I keep seeing funny videos, they both can keep harvesting my data

  4. I don’t use TikTok, but I don’t doubt the Chinese government is somehow spying on all the other apps too. I couldn’t care less.

    If Xi Jinping sees one of my Reddit posts or whatever? It’s not like he’s sending a hitman out for me. He can use my data all he wants.

  5. I’m more concerned with our companies using administrative services in China. They get access to all the client information including license and bank account information and probably social security numbers in some sectors, and I am sure they will use it to any advantage they can.

  6. The bad thing about social media is that even if you don’t give away your own information, someone else likely will.

    Most people don’t have anything to worry about though, whether from foreign governments or domestic businesses, other than having ads and media be a little better targeted and influential towards them.

  7. I’ll never use that app because fuck the CCP. And for those who say “Facebook does the same” yea no. I remember a Redditor did like a deep dive of tiktok tech and saw all the shit they mine from you, it’s way worse than the other social apps.

    Edit: [Here’s a link to the deep dive, some real fucked up shit](

  8. There was an article a while back that those reports were planted by a pr firm hired by Facebook.

  9. I don’t use TikTok for that reason. Probably not very logical of me, but I don’t trust it. That said, I’m probably being tracked by 100’s of other entities, some Chinese.

  10. As an American who *doesn’t* use TikTok, the ties to the CCP are the reason why. Not privacy concerns per se, but those ties are a major reason for the fact that I don’t use it.

  11. I’m 15 and use Tik tok like every day and I don’t rlly care that much like doesn’t every social media app track you

  12. There are hundreds of millions of tik tok accounts in the US alone. Unless you’re a member of the intelligence community, a higher level defense contractor, military official, politician, or executive of a major company there is no reason why the Chinese government would waste time targeting you. They may use aggregate metadata, but the Chinese government does not stand to benefit anything from knowing what Allison Jones in Cleveland or Paul Stewart in Santa Barbara are doing with their phones.

    Am I saying its not concerning? Not at all. Am I saying you’re irrational for being worried about it? Nope! But is the average person going to be put personally at risk because byte dance is based in China? The likelihood is insanely low. There’s a reason china hacks the OPM & Lockheed and not twitter or Facebook. The sheer amount of data content across tens of millions of devices is impossible to go through, and thus intelligence services/the Chinese government are going to target individuals who have something of value.

  13. Let’s be real… are they really getting any useful info from *TikTok*?

  14. no cuz they already do since I need we-chat on my phone for work -_-

  15. No more concerned than I am about my data from every other app being used by the NSA.

  16. Don’t use it, though I’m concerned how the app promotes outrageous social media trends meanwhile in China they promote education and professional aspirations. Feels like an indirect attack at dumbing down the next generation when more people in America want to be influencers while in China more aspire to be astronauts, scientists, doctors, engineers, etc.

  17. Don’t use TikTok or Epic Games for that very reason. And eff the CCP.

  18. It’s not just data. They effectively have a camera and mic in everyones pocket. You have to give the app permission to use them but then it’s good to go. China could get a lot of info from conversations, and video of geography.

  19. Is this China asking? Of course it is, it ALWAYS is, NO, I don’t use your platform, further, go F**K yourself

  20. Absolutely zero concern. My own government has *WAY* more data on me than the Chinese government ever will, and they both would laugh at the stupid shit I watch/do.

    I’m not important, I don’t do illegal shit, and I don’t live in China

  21. In case people don’t know: The wave of news coverage saying TikTok’s Chinese connections made them more dangerous then good old American companies like Facebook? That was a [paid media campaign]( By Facebook.

    I don’t use tiktok – I’m internet old – but I think people are kind of missing the point when they’re suddenly worried about their data because of China.

  22. Oh no! The Chinese government knows I like phat asses, whatever shall I do.

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