Are you someone that loves to read or someone that hasn’t picked up a book in years. What’s the reason either way

  1. Love reading. Read every day and get twitchy if I don’t have a book to read. Have my books on Kindle and can access on my phone as well. Today I read at lunchtime, on my breaks and a little bit while I was waiting for something to finish downloading.

  2. I’ve always got a few books on the go at a time. I’ve got quite a few at work so I can read on my break instead of talking to humans and the weather or something.

  3. I love reading. I read every day. I have a Kindle but I’ve never used it. I prefer physical books.

  4. I wasn’t reading as much the past few years, but work in the library now and have very much got back into it. Read a whole book beginning to end last night (our kind of cruelty by Araminta Hall).

    I like TV, films etc but reading feels like it engages the brain more. The written word can convey things that the moving image just can’t.

  5. Love reading, but more often read e-book or on the phone than physical book, just for convenience.

  6. I go in and out of reading. Probably because I find it hard to give up on a book if I’m having trouble with it. I’ve been reading cloud atlas since about September.

  7. I did an enormous amount of reading in the first 14 years of my life, and then suddenly stopped after that point. I guess I stopped because I did a reading “sprint” instead of a marathon and got pretty burnt out too fast. And it ended up feeling like a chore especially since you were forced to read stuff for school and I didn’t feel like doing extra reading on top of that. Gaming seems to have replaced my love of books for the time being.

  8. I used to be a reader as a child but I tend to read things that are non-fiction these days, as i m dyslexic if I m going to be reading a full book I more do it for gaining knowledge not for a story anymore.

  9. I read sporadically, like every few weeks I’ll get into a book and then read it for hours every day until I finish it. But I feel like I need a break between books.

  10. Yes, read daily, always have done. Tends to be newspapers/magazines during the day, novels in the evening.

  11. I’ve always been a reader, but I really lost the habit after becoming a mum. Then once we had a long period of sleep-refusal I decided to put the kindle app on my phone and started reading again while waiting for my child to GTFTS!

    And now I’m back reading regularly and loving it again.

    I love books, I still buy books, but I most read on Kindle because my wrists get tired holding a book! I prefer long books on Kindle, I don’t get anxious in the same way, I just take it as it comes!

  12. I read all the time. I read 120 books last year according to my Goodreads account. I read on a kindle and only buy books that are special to me, like my husband bought me a gorgeous cloth bound set of Jane Austen’s books. I discard a lot of books as well, too many books in the world to waste time reading a book that I can’t get into or I find irritating.

  13. I don’t have the attention span to read unfortunately. I’ll spend an hour reading one page because I haven’t taken in any information from half a paragraph.
    So I switched to using audio books instead.

  14. Love reading and losing myself in the story line, was sat a bus stop reading a really gripping book. Was so engrossed that I screamed out “ Run” as it was a part where someone was going to be attacked. Everyone just looked was so embarrassed

  15. I love reading. I just finished my 153rd book of the year.

    I prefer a physical book but due to space (and funds) I’ve been relying heavily on kindle unlimited for the past year.

  16. I used to read a lot but I haven’t really read since my PhD. I think reading and writing all day killed the joy for me.

    Then I try and read sometimes and I just feel like a lot of books are rubbish or derivative. Or take too many liberties with grammar in order to look stylish. I’d rather read people fight on Reddit!

  17. I used to read a dozen or so books a year but I find reading to often be a bit awkward in getting comfortable , getting enough light and not getting distracted. Much prefer audio books these days and usually get through at least one a week.

  18. I haven’t read a book since 2019. It’s not that I don’t like reading, but there’s usually something else I’d rather be doing.

  19. I love to read, but I’m 95% converted to audiobooks at this stage. I had the alpha variant back in March 2020 and was laid up in bed for almost three weeks. The audiobooks kept me company. I experienced quite bad brain-fog afterwards and noticed a general worsening of my attention span, so audiobooks were a lifesaver. I finished something like 35 books that year. I’m now back down to maybe a book a month.

  20. Used to always have a book on the go until I started studying again last year and evenings are spent studying.

    On holiday I’ll read a book again. I love books. I tried a kindle, just not the same.

  21. I love reading, I work in a bookshop (children’s section) so it’s partly for work but also for fun. I have got a bit out the habit recently but still try to read a bit a day, at least. I mostly read kids/teen books, or sci-fi and fantasy (magical realism is my favourite), and run two book clubs for work.

    It did take me a while to get back into reading once I had finished uni, I think it’s hard to readjust to reading for fun again (I studied anthropology so not even anything directly related to books, but it definitely killed it a bit). I think right now I am a bit burnt out so hard to make that mental space, but I am trying!

  22. I posted earlier that we read to our kids every night but when they were younger I was reading Noddy to them and they fell asleep half way though but I had to carry on reading to see how it worked out for Noddy in the end !

  23. I used to read loads when I was younger but due to my depression my concentration has gone to shit.

  24. I used to read a lot but only when I’m away on holiday these days.

    I find the distraction of the internet or the telly too much at home now to get more than a few pages into any book I pick up or I’m too tired and end up reading the same page over and over.

  25. I read every day, usually at least an hour. I love the fact my brain switches off from the real world for a while. It’s relaxing, almost meditative. I love horror books but even though they’re scary it’s still more restful than the real world!

  26. I go through phase where I do nothing but read books in my free time then not read for ages.

    I have tons of books and hardly read them.

  27. I read every night before bed, it’s my way of winding down. I do read on a Kindle Paperwhite and I’ve read 47 books since January 1st.

    Also read a few times a day to my children and they have 2 books a night before tucking in.

    My husband however does not read, I’ve bought him books and they never get touched. (Even when he’s asked for them)

  28. I adore reading. Always have a book on the go. I love immersing myself in stories and getting invested in the happenings that occur to characters in fiction. Non-fiction just satisfies my curiosity and desire to learn.

  29. I was an only child who spent a lot of time with my elderly grandparents (who I loved dearly and miss to this day), I was reading at three years old and pretty much haven’t stopped since. I read to escape from a fairly dull existence and always have at least one book plus Kindle about my person just in case I finish my current book or fancy a change. I’ve just created a book nook in my flat which is going to be my happy place.

  30. I read every day. It helps keep the mind sharp and it is a mild form of escapism as you can pretend to be the characters.

  31. Every night: 20 to 90 minutes. I read everything. Not too brag but it’s the one good habit that I’ve kept up over the years. 🤓🤣

  32. Still have a kindle, but don’t use it anymore. Not the same somehow. is a great source of cheap books – there’s so so many things out there that aren’t classics or especially old, but great and absurdly cheap. Some months I’ll read more than others but usually get through a book a month.

  33. I used to read a lot while commuting, getting in 2-3 hours a day of reading due to my long journey to work.

    Since Covid I’ve been working from home, and it’s gone down a lot because of that. I probably now only read every other day, and maybe half an hour at most. I need to try and make some more time for it. Yesterday I made a rare journey in to the office and really enjoyed the extra reading time I had while sitting on the train.

  34. Bought a load of new books at the end of last year to try and read again, they’ve sat on the shelf ever since
    Honestly just feel too tired by the time the kids are in bed so would rather sit watching crap on tv than concentrate on a book

  35. 75 books so far this year, and that’s not reading for 3 weeks when I had covid.

    I spend all of my free time reading, and have audiobooks on while I’m cooking or cleaning.

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