That is put effort into how you look, even when you have nothing planned! Makeup, hair, outfits.

  1. My job requires it, I enjoy having a house and food, so I suck it up and do it. I’m also vain af and like looking at myself, so on off days I can be hella lazy or just touch up my eyeliner and not worry about looking like a boy all day.

  2. I simply do not. I’f I’m staying home all day I’m in my pyjamas. If I leave the house I put on a cute outfit because I enjoy the process.

  3. I treat it as self care so it’s for me, not to impress other people. I feel great when I put in the effort, even if it’s minimal. Also my company has a dress code so I can’t just show up in my bathrobe lol.

    Getting dressed also helps with the mental separation of lazy-home-dgaf me vs got-shit-to-accomplish me. It puts me in a different headspace which motivates me differently.

  4. I prefer to wear clothes?

    Since having my twins I don’t really wear makeup very often, running a brush through my hair is enough for me. Having toddlers and being pregnant make looking good a pretty low priority

  5. I’ve received so many opportunities from the halo effect. My youth and beauty are one of my biggest assets, I’ll use them while I still can.

  6. Reminding myself that going out nekkid would give me some pretty hefty public indecency charges.

    Also bought many basic dresses that are basically no different than putting on a tshirt. Top part looks like a fitted tshirt and bottom part has frilly skirty thing. I seriously bought many in different colors.

  7. sometimes i just take a bath and put on another nightgown; that’s enough for me. small victories! 😌 i’m a single mother to an 8 month old so sometimes that’s all i can do. i do try to fix myself up at least once or twice a week when i leave the house. i’ll put on lashes, do a full face and find a cute outfit. it just feels good to make myself look better than how i feel when i must face the world.

  8. I like looking cute. I guess the motivation is… look cute lol

    If it’s one thing imma do….it’s put it tf on!

  9. I play my outfit the night before and will try to style my hair as much as I can the night before and hope some of it kept in the morning.

  10. Maybe start by asking yourself where is the pressure coming from to dress up and put in effort.

    Is it something that you want to do for yourself because it makes you feel good and makes you happy or are you doing it because you think you should, pressure to look good for a partner, social media, or a voice in the back of your mind from a parent or adult of influence telling you what you “should do”.

    Personally, some days I’m in the mood and I want to put on a great outfit because I want to look good, and looking good makes me feel good.

    Other days I just want to be comfortable and functional so I just do that instead.

    Whatever I choose it’s about making myself feel happy and confident not about pleasing others or doing it because I think I should.

  11. Clean clothes and clean body/hair is all you need. Everything else is optional.

    Just get clothes that match no matter what. Couple of well fitting jeans or pants, couple of more formal shirts, some tshirts, 3 pairs of shoes (pumps, flats, tennis). Done.

    If you are into dresses, get one with flowers, one on your favorite color and one a bit more formal.

  12. It makes me happier with myself to put in some effort every day to look my best, whether it’s in a casual sundress or cutoff jeans and a T or dressier.

    Yeah I could look like I rolled out from under a dumpster every day, but if I do I don’t feel as well as a result.

    Doesn’t take much, and no I don’t wear makeup daily or even weekly sometimes except for lipstick and perfume and earrings.

  13. I do not put effort into this every day. Days that I don’t have meetings/don’t have to go anywhere? I work from home in leggings or sweats and a T-shirt. Even on meetings days I do the bare minimum. Fuck effort, that’s not the battle I’m choosing to fight.

  14. Take the time to rest more and relax more if that’s what you need. I finally learned that. It breaks my heart but we aren’t always perfect lol

  15. Sometimes I don’t and that’s a-ok. But, when I want to, for me it’s all about the routine. I wake up at the same time (I allow myself one snooze that i take full advantage of), I make my coffee, do my Bible study, take a shower/wash my face-those early steps in my routine set the vibe for the rest of my day and especially my morning.

  16. I realized at my lowest point during the pandemic that if I showered and got dressed in the morning, I felt better. Not great due to my circumstances, but better. Even if I just dressed in clean yoga pants, clean t-shirt, bra and minimally flip flops, with clean hair and fresh skin, the day was just a bit more comfortable. So, on WFH days or weekends when the morning isn’t being kind to me or I’m feeling unmotivated for whatever, I remember the truly low lows and how a simple shower and clean clothes made a difference and I get dressed. As much as I love WFH, I look forward to the one day a week I have to go in the office. It’s my opportunity for a cute outfit, styled hair and some light makeup. I just feel more human if I clean up and get dressed, so I guess that is the motivation.

  17. By having an idea what I’ll wear the night before and having a simple quick routine that works for me .

  18. It’s ok if you don’t want to, but what’s helped me to at least look “planned” is using a wardrobe app. I use Whering and put all pictures of my clothes in it (I did that while I was putting laundry away, not all at once) and then it helps you out outfits together without having to put them on and take them off again. Then it doesn’t really matter too much what my hair/makeup looks like because my outfit is pulled together.

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