So for context we both work at the same place and I’m higher up then her since she just started. She was really fun and funny but I had gotten enough people come complain about her that I had to talk to her in private about it. After that it seemed like she started to have less and less fun at work. Now she doesnt even seem the same. Well last time we both left together she told me she had gotten a new job and will leave in less then a month. And I was really interested in her so I asked for her number. She smiled and wrote it down for me, she handed it to me and said “call me” while giggling. Well I didnt text her until the next day, which she had then asked me why did I ask for her number if I wasn’t going to text. I just had to explain I was really busy. F UP 1. Next after a few days of texting she asked me to hang out at a park and it’s taking awhile to plan it. But today she came in late to work and she kind of just waved at me. She seemed out of it the whole shift and when I left I told her to text me once she gets out if she likes. She did but it was just “I was just clear headed today and slow” . Before her message I had asked her how her day was and where were we hanging out . She ignored that question completely. What’s next?

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