So I met this girl at a bar, yeah I know already funny. We really hit it off, we talked a lot about our lives, went to a second bar, got more drinks etc. I drive her home (as I was still somewhat sober I might add) and when we got to her place we continued to hang out and chat. We then had great sex. She told me she felt like she new me forever which is something that really shouldn’t be taken lightly in my opinion. She texted me that night on my drive back to my place to make sure I got home safe and in the morning I texted her saying ide like to take her on a date. She said she’d like that very much and gave me some times during the week.

But from here is where I get confused. Cuz after all that i ask “what day is good for you?” And she doesn’t get back to me at all for like 3 days. I then invite her out on that 3rd day after 0 contact. But. Still nothing. Now I’m just sitting here like, wtf. Idk. Any help is appreciated. She hasn’t even blocked me on insta. Just ghosted me? Which is like, what…

  1. If someone likes a guy/girl she will make time for them. They wouldn’t not reply to a text that long. If she responds now I wouldn’t give her the time. (Outside of a emergency or family emergency)

  2. She’s not telling you what happened. But what’s happening now is nothing. Another one of life’s unsolved mysteries. Time to move on.

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