We have been living together and share bank accts but EVERYTIME he has a problem or issue his first call is his mom he talks to her all day about everything I expressed that him and I should be a team and we should rely on each other and I feel like I should be the first call well nothing has changed and today I over hear him on the phone with his mom and they worked out something to where he has gotten a car (back story his car jus broke ) well I’m jus hearing this today and they had this all worked out Monday it’s Friday why am I jus now OVER hearing this! I jus don’t understand why he would do that and not even say anything to me??? And he proposed in may and he never told his mom or family any of his friends didn’t post on any Social media and I find that very weird and it bothers me!! Can someone help me work thru these feelings and I crazy for feeling this way?? Help!!

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