I want to start going to meet people, partake in the night life. I’m an introvert but looking to get out my comfort zone and see what I like.

However the issue I have tinnitus. And don’t want to make it worse than it is. If you don’t know what that is its basically having ringing ears permanently.

So I’ve always ignored the night life for that reason but I really need to start going out more I’m way too much at home especially now that I’m single after years of being in a relationship.

But I really do need earplugs for those loud places.

Do you think wearing earplugs will limit my social interactions at clubs? As far as people thinking I’m weird. Yes right? I shouldn’t even bother?

  1. It’s very common for people to have at least one earbud in at all times. As long as you are making it known that you are there to be social, it won’t be a problem.

  2. My advice, also as an introvert, is to be aware of your body language and the way you wear your clothes so you’re not visually closed off. People often take wearing earbuds or headphones as the wearer not wanting to be bothered or talked to. Just make sure you’re showing that you want to interact and meet new people

  3. Yeah I have a touch of tinnitus too, so when I go someplace like a concert I DEFINITELY where earplugs. (Turns out, so did the lead singer at the last concert I went to! He was talking about it onstage, lol)

    I wouldn’t do that for a bar, though, because the intention there is to have conversations. On the other hand, I’d probably try to avoid super loud bars for that reason.

  4. I wear my Loop Experience earplugs out to concerts and bars, and have never had a bad reaction from others 🙂 It’s been a game changer for me, since I’m fairly noise sensitive. If you get the plus version, there’s even more noise reduction, and they’re decent price wise, so might be worth looking into.

  5. Try musicians ear plugs they are expensive but may help. My partner was given some when he was recovering from his head injury.

  6. Not at all. I always wear hearing protection at clubs and concerts – the music is almost always too loud and will damage your hearing. I can talk to people while wearing them, and most people won’t even notice that you’re wearing them.

  7. Get the waxy type ones from the pharmacy not the foam ones. Use half of one for each ear. I have tinnitus and that’s what I do.

  8. You could wear loops. They cut out all the background noise and focus on what’s in your personal, bubble like the person talking directly to you sitting across the table.

  9. In a club with dance music it’s so dark, people will barely notice earplugs. In a bar where people drink and chat, it shouldn’t be that loud. I rarely go to clubs or bars alone. People often don’t like to be talked to by strangers. I recommend a strategy where you make a group of friends first and then go with them to those places.

  10. It’s gonna seem a bit lame just being honest, but not super lame, just a little bit. Like it’s not cool. But I do it because the music is so loud it ruins my experience.

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