Most curious about those of you who have been in a break up, but of the type, where there’s still much love and affection for the other, but it has become clear that you and the other person just aren’t a good fit?

My ex, and I, as well, just a couple days ago, or parting ways. We both tried quite hard, for sometime, to find a ways to make our lives fit together. At the end of the day, however, the damage that both of us had brought to the table, from previous relationships or elsewhere in life, just wasn’t compatible (actually, it’s was TOO similar.)

There is still a lot of love, there, and a desire to show one another grace, tenderness, and gentle kindness, as we navigate un tangling our lives. I know in my heart of hearts, that while it’s going to be messy at times, ultimately, it will be OK, for both of us. Neither one of us thinks the other is a bad person, and we’ve both acknowledged, that somewhere down the line, in the future after healing, and time has passed, we both hold a desire for a friendship somewhere.

I’m curious how all of you who have been in a perhaps similar situation have dealt with your partner, or rather ex, to make sure that space was given, that toes weren’t stepped on, and that kindness was still given no matter what.

  1. Personally, I don’t keep in contact with exs regardless if it was a bad breakup or not. If you can still have friendship then why not keep trying with all that history, that is just my opinion.

    Give each other complete space. Keeping in contact leads to that temptation of getting back together. Then you get stuck in that on and off dance. When you feel grief, just feel it. Then distract yourself with other hobbies, work, friends etc.

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