TLDR: My friend told me that I treated her like a human diary and I am unsure if my view on friendship is different?


For Context:I had been friends with her for roughly 12 years before this occurred.
So recently my Ex Friend decided to block me on all media because of emotions they bottled up for so many years then unblocked sending a huge message and left me at that. No way of giving her a proper goodbye or a well written response to what she had said as she had reblocked me. So I am looking for advice to find the right way to go about this. One of the things she had wrote was that I made her feel like a human diary. Correct me if I am wrong but are two best friends meant to be almost like each other’s diary to know that through thick and thin you two would be there and know everything and anything so they have each others backs?
I would greatly appreciate advice! Also this is my first reddit post but I felt maybe seeing what some people thought on the matter may help get me better insight. Thank you! <3

  1. I definitely think there’s a difference between “using someone as an emotional dumpster” and “sharing intimate thoughts and feelings”. Perhaps she felt you were abusing that intimacy.

    Perhaps she felt you were making it all about YOU and YOUR feelings instead of it being mutual (hence making her feel like she’s just your diary rather than her own person).

    It sucks to know she chose to walk away but that happens with relationships. I’m sorry it didn’t feel like a proper goodbye.

  2. It is one thing to talk about yourself or stuff going on in your life, it is another to *only* talk about yourself and stuff going on in your life. Sounds like your former BFF doesn’t enjoy being *talked at* about your life experiences. This could potentially range from hijacking every convo and making it about you, to just not demonstrating a whole lot of interest in her life or anyone else’s. I don’t have a lot of info to go on, so just offering up those examples.

    Maybe it’s time for a little self reflection, and to possibly research online a bit about how to become a better listener for others. It’s good knowledge to have. Best of luck.

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