Did you confront her?

  1. My friend rocked the same skirt I was and I got so mad and we got in a huge fight and our kindergarten teacher had to separate us.

    Jk but I would have to be in kindergarten to give any amount of fucks about that. I don’t own a particular style and I build my friends up, I don’t tear them down.

  2. I dress like a basic Pinterest girl or a 13 year old boy. I probably wouldn’t even notice if they were copying me to be honest 😅

  3. I ask them to go shopping with me and we find stuff together 🙂 sometimes people have their own style but don’t know how to dress or find it , if they value my looks then they value my opinion. Maybe we can find something for them that we both love or we just find clothes and learn from each other 🤗

  4. I got mad at my friends about this in hs lol. These days I wouldn’t care, be flattered, or creeped out depending on the circumstances

  5. They clearly think what your doing is attractive in someway, why would it be bad? Compliment for sure

  6. My roommate at the time would come out wearing an outfit for our outings. She would then see what I would wear and go back in her room and change. It was strange. She even started to buy very similar things even though we had drastically different styles

  7. I went to a community college for a semester and a half. In one of my classes there was a girl who originally dressed one way (flower shirts/pants/colorful shoes) after about a month of me being in the class she dyed her hair color to the same as mine, and basically changed her style completely to something very similar to what I wore on a day to day basis (sweatshirts, jeans, darker and more monotone colors) It didn’t bother me, I dropped out of college the next semester 😂

  8. When I was young I would confront but after that happening twice and it not leading anywhere I just learned not to do anything about it. I’m not gonna lie, I do not like to be copied. If it bothers me I change my style in order to be not like that person and hope not to be copied again. 🙂

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