So i have this problem I’m constantly saying stuff that i dont want to say, stuff that i dont agree with, it feels like if I couldnt control what i say like i didnt think before i speak.

I have tried to think more before speaking but it dosent help i just choke up and cant answer anything or i just cant think of what to say and end up staying silent and when i manage to answer something i takes ages and is very akward.

For example, i saw my friend wearing a baseball hat, i said to him “What a small hat! Does it really fit well?” he answered yes and I respond “Even with that giant head of yours?” Well, he got mad, i was as surprised as he was with what ive just sad. After the event i was thinking why tf i sad that, i dont think he has a big head at all and I dont want to be an asshole with him.

Thats generally how it goes, its like I dont think what i am about to say, like the worlds come out without my control and because of that i am not friends with that guy anymore, i dont know if i am the only one that has this problem, any help/advice would be apreciated, Thank you in advance!

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