My boyfriend (M34) of 14 years recently broke up with me (F34) and I’m in the process of moving on.

Backstory: His brother passed away recently and this was his best friend. He began watching videos on tarot, numerology and astrology. He has been following the teachings of Master Sri Akarshana and others. He believed that his tarot was telling him that he needs to be with his twin flame. He believe his twin flame is a friend he grew up with briefly but doesn’t really keep in contact with. This is one of the biggest reasons he broke up with me…he wanted to pursue his “love” for someone else. (Spoiler alert: she just wants to be friends)

*Long story short I left for two weeks to give him the space he asked for and I reconnected with an ex from high school. Distance and me moving away were some of the key reasons my high school bf and I didn’t work out. We have kept in touch lightly over these past 17 years but I was always in a relationship so we could never explore having an adult relationship with each other.
We have been talking and getting to know each other as adults and it’s been great. We about 8 hours from each other so it’s hard trying to reconnect with so much distance between us. I’m 34 years old with no kids but may want one or two so I don’t have time to do long distance forever. He is relocating for a job at the end of October and asked me to relocate once he gets settled.

*So my question is… is it too soon to move in with him? We have known each other for 17 years but we have only been “talking” for about a month and a half. It’s going to take a few months for both of us to get things in order IF I decided to actually move.
Am I crazy for actually considering this? One of the things that gives me pause is that he has 3 kids (2 don’t live with him but live close by and one lives with him part time). Idk what the kids plan to do when he moves to another state but I figure he would expect me to help him with the kids. That scares the hell out of me.

I don’t want close the door on something that has the potential to be amazing because I am nervous about helping him with his kids.


1 comment
  1. You’re mid-30s and known each other for more than half your life. I think you’re mature enough to make this decision together – and also mature enough to understand the consequences to such an impulsive choice if things go poorly, and whether you consider that worth risking or not.

    >Idk what the kids plan to do when he moves to another state but I figure he would expect me to help him with the kids.

    You know what they say about assuming. Just have a clear, direct conversation with him.

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