She is allergic to latex and seems quite educated about all the things around it. She wants to have unprotected sex and also knows her cycle and when she’s not ovulating. I have never had unprotected sex before. Can someone please help me out here

  1. Not all condoms are latex, so get non latex condoms.

    **Note that regardless of where she is in her cycle there is a chance she will get pregnant, yes even on her period she can get pregnant.**

    Many believe that jumping off is a good idea, this is absolutely not a good idea unless you are ok with having children, your precum most often contain swimmers, and even a small amount there is a chance 1 swimmer makes it and you are now officially parents.

    If you understand the risks of raw unprotected sex then go for it.

  2. Get a non-latex condom and use that, it’s not worth having a bit of fun and being saddled with £/$1m ish worth of debt (I dunno how much a kid costs these days)

    Don’t risk the pull out method, it just is not reliable enough – if you want a kid go risk it – there is sperm in precum, she could get pregnant any time in her cycle (even on her period) it is NOT WORTH THE RISK

    I hope I am making this clear…

  3. Stockpile a crib, lots of diapers, baby food, and set aside $300-$400k for supporting a child for the next 18 years and then you should be fine … NOT.

  4. There are condoms without latex.

    Unless her body works like a machine (period exactly every 28 days), I highly doubt she knows when she’e ovulating.

  5. There’s not a trick to having unprotected sex and not making babies. The body is really good at making babies (one might say it’s a primary function!)

    Pulling out -> nope. Pre-ejaculate has sperm, and you are betting on having your highest amount of self control right on the edge of orgasm. Plus, if you pull out but still ejaculate on her, sperm have been known to make some short trips to get to the egg.

    Rhythm method (timing ovulation) -> I remember at a catholic marriage camp several couples extolling the rhythm method as effective. They were also parents of 3, 6, and 5 kids. The window between “when you have sex” and “when she can get pregnant from it” is wider than you think, and the timing of ovulation is very imprecise.

    If you don’t want to be a parent, either she gets on birth control pills (for most people it doesn’t adversely affect their health, but there might be some trial and error), gets an IUD, or tries nuvaring or something of that ilk. Or you can get a vasectomy.

    But unprotected sex is literally exactly the way to make someone pregnant. Unless there are some countermeasures against conception, you are trying for a baby, whether you want to or not. If none of these options seem doable, latex-free condoms are a good option. And if you’re not willing to do the legwork on contraception, you’re DEFINITELY not ready for a baby.

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