When did you stop plucking out grey hairs?

  1. I never started. Of course, my grey hair is all in my widow’s peak, and a bald patch there would be far more obvious than a grey streak.

  2. I started going grey at 12… I’m 36 now. If i pulled them all I’d be damn near bald. So about 13ish

  3. I’ve just recently noticed I have a few, but I don’t pluck them, and I doubt I will, I don’t feel I have thick enough hair to start plucking.
    However, I’ve always coloured my hair since I was a teen, so I colour over my roots and my newly acquired 4-5 strands of grey every month, so I kinda erase them at the same time.

  4. I never did and I never will. Started getting them around 10yo, and everyone told me it was lucky so I kept them. As I got older I thought who cares if I have them.

  5. I never started. I think I might have pulled one out when I was in my teens to get a better look at it, but that’s it. I can’t be bothered to care about gray hair.

  6. I never started. Well, I do pluck out my gray chin hairs, but I’m not about to stop doing that.

  7. I got my first grey hair when I lost a parent last year, and then grief caused my other parents health to decline. I now have 2 grey hairs, and I earned them. It’s like a visual badge of honor for how much they really mean to me, and how hard it’s all been. I am 33. I’m very careful not to pluck them.

  8. When I realized it wasn’t just one random gray here and there. Started coloring it then. Stopped coloring it as my 50th birthday present to myself. It’s gorgeous.

  9. After the first one. I found my first grey hair on my 30th birthday and pulled it out in a minor panic. Then sanity reasserted itself and I decided hair dye would be less trouble than searching for all the grey and ripping it out as it arrived

  10. Never did. I got a bunch with stress from a job, when I left it, it grew back in my natural color (in my mid twenties). Now I get random ones because I’m 37, but due to my generics I knew a long time ago I was destined to gray early (early thirties unless I was lucky, I wasn’t) so whatever.

    I dye my hair anyway because I love the color I dye it to, so I really don’t care; covering up grays is the same to me as covering up my natural color.

  11. Got my first grey at 15 and stopped plucking them at 16. Never dyed my greys either. Just going grey naturally and I get tons of compliments on my “natural highlights”!

  12. I plucked one white hair and stopped. My hair is hip length and when I thought of how much work it was for it to get that long, I couldn’t do it.

  13. Never. I started going gray at 16. Iā€™m now 36, and I estimate that about 75% of my hair is gray. I think I knew at an early age plucking would be futile. Plus, if I would have conceded to the notion that gray hair = old, then I would have been bald in my 20s. I refuse to let my gray hair tell me Iā€™m supposed to feel bad about myself.

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