So my GF (24F) and I (24M) have been going out for 1 year. Last week we were away on a group camping trip with about 15 people from my friend group of several years.

We were playing a game where you whisper a question to the person next to you and they say a persons name out loud as the answer.
1 – (asks 2 quietly) “who can run the fastest?”
2 – (out loud) “Jack”
The person who has had their name called then has the option to try to out drink player to find out what the original question was.

My GF got asked a question and said my name as the answer. Judging by the shocked reaction from the questioner, everyone wanted to know what the question had been, especially me.
I out drank her and she had to say the question out loud:

“Who do you think has the smallest d*ck in the room?”

There were 8 other guys in the room, and she had seen 2 before, other than mine.

I know I have an average size, but naturally that made my jaw drop and left me speechless while everyone went silent. I had to leave the room it was so embarrassing.

To say that I’m feeling insecure right now would be an understatement.

TLDR; GF told all my friends I have a small d*ck.

  1. Sh*tty question from the person who asked it, but your girlfriend was seriously wrong for that one. If it were me I would break up. It doesn’t seem like she was saying it as a joke to tease you. Nobody else laughed, and obviously it really upset you.

  2. She’s disrespecting you in front of all of your friends. Man you gotta grow a backbone and end this relationship. Don’t let somebody embarrass the crap out of you like that.

    Also why has she seen two of your friends’ dicks?

  3. shitty question to ask, even shittier for her to answer it. she could have been like “ask something else, I don’t wanna answer mean spirited questions.” I would 100% break up with her for being cruel for no reason.

  4. lol the fact that there’s 8 men in the room and she’s seen 3 of their dicks is more concerning. But yeah, her answer is disrespectful and shows that she doesn’t care about you

  5. uhhhhhh that was a really horrible thing for her to do. I don’t think there’s any coming back from that. Doesn’t even matter if it’s true or not, she was being a huge asshole for what reason??

  6. Sorry you mean your ex GF right ?

    Because no man with any self respect would take that level of disrespect from his GF

    And before anyone screams at me in replies I’m not saying start a fight or scream at her no just calmly tell her it’s over and that’s that

  7. Dude… I’m so sorry. That’s a no for me dawg.

    I don’t have any advice for you other but I’m seriously sorry. I hope you make a choice that you know is right and things work out for you in the end.

  8. Guessing by her answer, your other 2 friends were bigger than you???

    But to specifically just say you like WHY the fuck wouldn’t she say at the very least say “it be TIE”!!!!! (No amount of SORRIES from her would make me feel better)

  9. It’s over she just disrespected you in front of your friends, and there is no coming back from that.

  10. That’s when you say even the biggest burro looks small when it is taking tourists through the Grand Canyon.

  11. That’s fucked up. I would’ve tried to be funny and chose a female to have the smallest dick in the group.

  12. Kind of strange she’s seen two of the other males dicks in the group but ok. That’s about as fucked up as fucked up can be man. She obviously doesn’t respect you if she’s spouting shit like that out. I’m really hung up on how she knows what two other guys in your friend groups dick look like. Can you explain in that? Like, was she dating them and now dating you? What’s up with that?

  13. wow… dude this is really low. you do not deserve this. any sane woman who stands by her man would never make him feel this way in front of friends. no need for insecurity, you’ll find a better woman that adores everything about you and doesn’t put you down.

    edit: typooo

  14. So the person who asked the question knew your girlfriend had seen a few of the Johnsons in the room? 🤔

  15. Wtf is that, I would be pissed off as well. I am curious about her reaction when you left the room, did she follow you and apologize?

    I would seriously consider ending it, that’s low.

  16. Even if it’s true and you have a small dick the type of person it takes to embarrass someone for something like that in front of a bunch of friends is not someone you want to be around

  17. If you didn’t find her on the spot, you really have to. Horribly disrespectful, even if she hated you that would be harsh.

  18. Idk why women are so comfortable making fun of dick size, Imagine if the roles were reversed and you said she had the loosest pussy in the group. The fucking cops woulda been called with the sheer amount of disgust that room woulda turned into.

  19. Well that’s a wrap folks ain’t no coming back from that shit. Your GF is an asshole by the way.

  20. On the bright side, now you will have the chance to find someone that treats you with love and respect.

  21. She doesn’t respect you. And by saying that, she basically told all the other guys that they have a chance. Shitty move on her part. Just break up with her while you still have some dignity left.

  22. You already ended it and just want to unload right? Right OP?! Please don’t tell me you’re still with this chick.

  23. Certain things are unrecoverable. This is one such case. You’ll be replaying that every time you even think about being intimate with her. I’d recommend leaving.

  24. This is your signal, OP, to end the relationship immediately. I don’t care how hot she is; a girl who blatantly disrespects her man should be kicked out of your life completely.

  25. I know Reddit is different, but I wouldn’t be cool with my gf hanging out with guys she slept with. That’s just me.

  26. That woman does NOT like you. Like genuinely, OP. She apparently has no issues with not only disrespecting you, but humiliating you as well. Nobody who loves you would ever do something like that.

  27. Partners build each other up, not this… dump her ass and find someone who respects themselves and you. I’m saying this as a 36 yr old who, from my youth, knows what it feels like to be put down… move on and find your queen bruh

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