Hello! My city has a central area with older blocks <2000 that are not renovated and most have problems with hot water and it s cold in the winter( but they still pay it and pay a lot) + the possibility of seismic risk but a lot of buildings are not yet verified. The only advantage is the closeness to most of the important locations of the city, since they are also built before 2000. I have bought a new apartment(build 2022) which is 13 minutes away with the sub from our job building and they criticize me very hard for it: 1. The price is bigger (since it s a new building, doesn’t have the issues with what I stated above so it s justified) 2. How far is from the center (some of them actually live in what s considered the center/older part of the city but do more then me with the sub) 3. How thin the walls are supposedly (“you can’t even put your tv up without the wall falling”+”you must hear even your neighbor pissing”) which is not true…
How can I Stand my ground without seeming too defensive? It feels like I’m talking to walls tbh and I didn’t even ask for their opinion they just attack me when I respond to their questions about where I moved and how much it costed like I paid with their money…

  1. Why is it their concern at all? Ask them that. Are they paying for your apartment? Are they gonna live there? Then what’s it to them?

  2. Just remember your coworkers aren’t your friends. Just talk about work and things like the weather with people like that.

  3. You get out of the mindset of needing to defend your choices. So they “STATE CONTRARY OPINION.”

    You: (options)

    * “Well that’s one way to look at it.”
    * “Thanks for sharing.”
    * “Well OKAY then.”
    * SHRUG.

    Just because someone states an opinion doesn’t mean you need to take it into account or respond to it.

    They attack, you shrug.

    They “ask questions,” you “don’t provide answers.”

    Shrug. Roll eyes. Yawn.


    “If it ever becomes any of your business I’ll let you know.”

    “Sounds like you don’t have enough going on in your life.”

    “I’ll be sure to ask your opinion next time I make a big decision.”

    “Did you gain weight? Your brain looks fatter…”

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