So I’m 31(m) and recently met an amazing woman on here who I genuinely thought I had a connection with. But after a couple days, just like every other online friendship, it fizzles out and I’ll never hear from them again. Is it to much to ask to find a genuine friendship with someone who puts in as much effort as I do? I’m starting to think so. 😔

  1. An online relationship is not a relationship. You need to get out and meet people.

    Asking for company is actually asking for a lot. You are asking for someone to take time out of their life to spend it with you. This is a big ask. People are busy. People have their own lives. A good relationship is mutually beneficial wherein both parties have fun. This is what you need to be searching for, time to get out from behind the screen.

    If you don’t feel good about yourself or feel unprepared for dating IRL then work on yourself. My opinion is go to the gym it is great for your body and even better for your mind. Do some yoga. Find some hobbies. Work on you.

    But simply asking for someone to give you company and spend time with you, yeah, that’s an enormous ask. When people pay for sex it is often spoken of as “paying for someone’s time.” Let that one sink in.

    Good luck out there OP!


  2. Do you even care to know if the reason the person is not putting a lot of time and effort into the relationship is because of work and other things?

    Sometimes, we judge people too easily without trying to find out the reason for their actions or changes.

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