Hi. I’ve known him for over a year. We shared a class together and this year we share multiple. He dated my best friend. They broke up because he only wanted a gf for her body. I hated him since.

My friend forgave him and I wanted to do the same since I have to deal with him in many classes. So we talk, have a little bit of banter every once in a while but nothing more.

Suddenly today he acted all interested. I see him as a distant (entirely platonic) friend-ish. So after a few weeks of him continually asking to hang out he tried to talk to me alone (I declined). I sat with my group of friends and suddenly he started texting me about how he wanted to talk alone, when I acted like I was too busy he asked me out over text. I decline then he acted as if it was as friends. Then he said he was going with a friend (who he refused to say who) and then said I should go with.

I refused since he was being really pushy and I don’t see him that way. Now I’m worried he might get pushier. Idk I need advice please

1 comment
  1. If you’ve never asked someone out then I wouldn’t worry, you’re clearly inexperienced in this area.

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