What’s one of the best “time flies when you’re having fun” moments from your life?

  1. It was talking to a certain someone on the phone for the very first time and although we were both nervous lol we talked about any and everything and we laughed at everything and nothing lol and for the two hours that we were on the phone it only seemed like 20 minutes.

  2. My first date with my wife. It was 9 hours and flew by. I didn’t have cell service and when I got service back the friend who’s car I borrowed was reasonably very concerned.

  3. In retrospect, my wedding went by really fast. I knew everyone said this so I made sure to be very conscious of this fact during my wedding, and I remember vividly in the moment, it did not “fly by”.

  4. First date with my fiancée. We spent 18 hours together mostly just talking and have spent enough days to count on both hands apart in the last three years since.

  5. I can sit fown and play games from dawn till dusk if I have the free time. I pause for eating and toilet and that’s it, I don’t know what time it is and how long I’ve been playing games

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