It’s low-key annoying lol but I get that they’re trying to be friendly. So far I’ve been replying “5 Zimbabwe dollars maybe”, turing it around and saying “sure, you can pay me tomorrow”, or simply “ok” with a smile. I need more ideas though because they do this semi often

  1. Try to do the thing at pawnshops where you say “can we do 3 dollars” or similar, idk the name in English

  2. Get some Monopoly money. Your friends can even end up in credit to you for imaginary money favours if they don’t have change for a Monopoly m500, or, you can tip them in 1’s.

  3. I was struggling massively yesterday at work wording an email that I needed to send to a government agency. I asked a coworker to help me she was walking me through what to write but I just couldn’t get it right to get my point across. It was a persuasive email that I had evidence to my claim to.

    She said for me to let her write it with me sitting along side her. I have been in my role for 18months while she’s been writing these type of emails for 7 years.

    She took about 30mins out of her day to help me. I joking said to her I’ll give you an hours pay for doing it for me. Her reaction was she just laughed and said don’t be silly.

    I think you should just laugh it off and not take it so seriously. They are wanting you to show appreciation and recognise that they did something for you on their time. Even just say to them, I’ll shout you a coffee.

    I thanked my colleague a lot and then sent her a message after work thanking her for her time helping me write the email.

  4. everyones response ive read is wrong. they are trying to be funny. you say “ha” validating their attempt. no need to try and one up them and be funnier unless you have a killer line.

  5. I work at a bench and always have scissors nearby. My coworker always says that and I jokingly “threaten” him with my scissors. Cracks the both of us up.

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