I only took it for a month and it was 5 years ago. I’ve had a condition called PSSD ever since. No sex drive, numb emotions, anhedonia and zero pleasure in orgasms. Just totally numb. This has been a devastating 5 years. r/PSSD has many stories just like mine. I’m so lost everyday from this and don’t know what to do. PSSD isn’t well known or understood. I’m so fucking depressed from this every day man.

  1. Um have you seen a doctor? Maybe this is reversible? (I had low libido when i was low on calcium and it reversed)
    Ive also heard therapy guided mdma can be healing

  2. studies are being done about using ketamine in specific doses in a controlled setting and are showing some results in rewiring pleasure/reward parts of the brain. but its early and not long term proven stuff. could look for a dr offering treatment nearby.

    a list of research papers

    the typical list of things to try:
    writing down all the good things you have – health friends family etc can help to meditate on what to feel appreciative for

    spend time in nature at least 1 day a week. like a 2 hr walk under tall trees. called ‘forest bathing’ in japan

    get a pet cat/dog

    it sounds dumb but the dog/trees thing kinda worked for me. listening to my favorite music also helps for short bursts of energy. also try to always have a ‘ 6 months in the future’ event to look forward to even if its a weekend staycation or visiting an old friend whos moved a few hours away.

    it sucks to remember what 10/10 emotions felt like and now being at 2 all day long with occasional 3 second bursts of about 7/10. but some of the feeling can return.

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