I have 2 kids, 4,&7 from my previous relationship & one with my husband (got married this year in March). He’s pretty mentally unstable, he leaves a lot for weeks at a time because he hates that I’m a “money hungry whore” because I got a good job. He doesn’t support me in any way, BUT we are married. Should I add him to my insurance through my job? He has a partial/ fake teeth in the front and will need dentures pretty soon. I don’t think he deserves the dental plan because I’ll more than likely be stuck paying the bill when he leaves again. He only brings home ~150 dollars a week when he is home anyways.

  1. I think you should talk to a lawyer about divorce and a therapist to figure out why you felt the need to rush into marriage and a baby with this man.

    This is not a relationship you want your kids to see and model, you’ve got to work on yourself for their sake. A lot of us have trauma or childhood issues that impact the relationships we chose. You absolutely want better for your children and you’ve got to get to the bottom of yourself to do that.

  2. Sounds like he is the family pet. Either put him on the insurance if you are going to keep him, or drop him off at the pound. I vote for the pound.

  3. You need a divorce attorney not a freeloading asshat on your insurance, your children deserve better!!!

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