im wondering this because a friend of mine told me a lot of men seem to think that (spoilering the text because id like to know what you imagined it like in case somebody hadnt described that pain to you already) >!it is just a fleeting jolt of pain, rather than continuous cramps that get worse and worse as time goes on.!<

  1. Similar really bad gas pains. Or the feeling of a bad muscle cramp but in my stomach. Since the uterus is a muscular organ.

  2. I’m picturing it similar in fashion to stomach pain but centered in a more specific region. Not ongoing 24/7 but coming and going of different intensities.

  3. If I had to guess, I would say a more extreme version of when you have the shits really bad, and it feels like your entire lower gut is knotted up and trying to kill you.

  4. I would imagine it’s like pressing constipation, like a discomfort that very quickly becomes painful until it passes.

  5. I reckon it’s like back spasms only in the lower abdomen. And back spasms are the worst. So fuck that. Sorry women!

  6. period cramps? It’s probably like an underground knitting club in the abdominal cavity, where the intestines are the yarn, and the uterus is the master weaver.

  7. I am a trans man so I know how how does it feel. I didn’t feel any difference between period pain and horrible diarrhea pain. For me it was completely same feeling including the “I am gonna shit my pants in a second” feeling. But it is just my personal experience I don’t know if other people with uterus would describe it in the same way.

  8. I imagine it’s like when my stomach is full of air.
    For hours on end a sharp pain flows through my body and the best thing I can do Is making my tummy warm.

    Until I found out I can just burp my problems away.
    Unless it’s that instance once every two weeks where I have to drink hot tea and 40 minutes of sharp pain in the bathroom.

    You obviously can’t burp your problems away, and that’s why I feel terrorized when you have cramps

  9. Period cramps are continuous and a jolt. Sometimes you wake up and your entire abdomen and pelvis area are just swollen (bloated) and kinda pulsing (those are cramps) until you pop a Tylenol. You still get those jolts and random cramps through the day (and the worst one is when you get it in your asshole lol)

  10. I imagine varying degrees of near constant gnawing abdominal pain, with spikes of extra pain sprinkled in. I imagine at least a constant tense feeling when it’s not painful.

  11. I always assumed it was like an abdominal cramp just obviously a different spot and a lot higher on the pain scale.

    What surprised me was my ex telling me she could feel the process, ie feel everything detach and drain out of her body. Makes total sense, but must be such a strange feeling.

  12. TW: poop & diarrea

    I keep making the mistake of eating too much sugar free candies every few months or so. The sweeteners in there are a natural laxatives. Whenever I do, I get this really, really bad ache in my stomach that just doesn’t go away even after “relieving myself”. Almost as if a dagger is being stabbed into it and it keeps being twisted over and over again, never stopping – never giving me a chance to recover.

    Best case scenario I throw up and it’s over after that, worst case I don’t need to throw up and it keeps lingering for a day or two all the while I keep >!pooping what feels like water!<.

  13. My sister always describes it as either “Someone stabbing and twisting the knife for a while” and “someone punching her”

  14. I think the fact that a woman can’t do anything except stay home in bed for a few days tells my how painful they are.

  15. I had some nasty abdominal cramps once. Likely food baby related. It lasted for about an hour, maybe. It was kind of unbearable and it sounds like a mere fraction of what women out up with on an off regular basis. I gained a ton of extra respect for all of them that day.

  16. I always describe it as someone shoved a bunch of barbed wire into your guts and is yanking it out of you repeatedly.

  17. One woman told me it’s like getting kicked in the nuts all day long.

    I know she’s full of crap because women have period cramps all their lives and still put up with it.

    Whereas if someone were to come around to kick me in the nuts all day, once every fucking month, I would probably commit suicide after the fifth month.

  18. I really have no way of knowing. I go off the descriptions of others, like diarrhea cramps. I know that feels terrible.
    Honestly can’t imagine having to deal with that every month it is so hectic.

    And then some guys honestly say things like “yeah but women don’t have to deal with getting an awkward boner in public” like theyre suffering more.

  19. It’s like taking a soldering iron into your Yoo-hoo choochie and then using a friggin hand mixer into your uterus

  20. I was going to say, from seeing people subjected to them: Something like getting stabbed with a salted blade that’s then just left in the wound to twist and burn.

  21. I have a stomach disease and sometimes I get really really bad contractions when I need to shit. So maybe about like that

  22. I had cancer which caused a total bowel obstruction. That felt slightly worse than my worse period. So very similar to literally dying at their worst and about 1/2 as bad as dying normally.

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