I have multiple questions/concerns relating to dating and I’m hoping the internet can help me…

Isn’t dating just using someone to cope with your own loneliness? how isn’t that a bad thing?

Also I’ve grown up rather sheltered and I know how nervous my mother would be about her youngest daughter going out in the world with a stranger, so I don’t think physically going out on dates would be something I could immediately do, would that turn away most men? On top of that I am hella introverted and constantly talking to most people is incredibly exhausting, isn’t that also just another turn off for people cause I can’t keep a conversation going to save my life? Add on very little experience with boys + asexual and I just feel like a pile of turn offs :/

Should I just wait until I can do more outside the house, like going to college? but doesn’t that just make me a distraction since they’re paying so much to be there and here I would be trying to socialize in acceptable moments? Cause even that might irk me if that sort of thing side tracked me

I get it, I only just turned 22 but I’ve not a single clue on how to navigate anything relating to dating but I hate the idea of being alone my whole life and getting a freakin’ clue about this kind of thing might help me decide how to proceed with my life, which would be either trying to jump in now or waiting even more

1 comment
  1. Yeah no it’s not a bad thing dating to avoid loneliness. I mean, its honestly just the unspoken goal of it all.

    None of that really seemed terrible turn offs. Many might not be ok with an asexual relationship…but many people are looking exactly for that.

    I think your mom being overprotective should be something you just ignore. It’s not her life it’s yours. Though tbh, I wouldn’t be surprised if it eventually swings the other way. She pushes you to date more lol. As I’ve gotten older into my late 20s now, it has definitely been more of a “so when are you bringing home someone???”.

    It’s doable to date in college and honestly a prime time to easily meet people. It’s much harder post college.

    I think it’s totally understandable and relatable to not wanna be alone your whole life.

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