What would you do if you fel like you are not your partner’s type physically and personality wise?

  1. I guess it would depend on why I felt that way. That’s not something that I would generally bother thinking about at all unless they had said or done something to make that clear to me.

    If they had done something or treated me in a way that made it seem as though they weren’t attracted to me or didn’t want to be with me, then I would take it that they didn’t want to be with me and just end the relationship.

    If they are with me, do want to be with me, and aren’t making shitty remarks or behaviors towards me about their “type”, then I take it that their perceived “type” isn’t all that important to them and don’t concern myself with it. If they are choosing to be with me, then as far as I’m concerned, obviously I’m their type.

  2. If I had reason to believe he only had settled for me, and/or viewed me as a placeholder, I would just end the relationship.

  3. It would certainly depend on why I felt this way. Is my partner constantly looking at other people and asking out loud, “why can’t you look/act like them?”

    Or is it just that they said a blonde chick was pretty one time and I have brunette hair and I blow that way out of proportion?

  4. I’m not a woman, but I’m telling you right now if you feel like this leave that fucker. I guarantee you will find a man who will worship you. Guarantees a strong word but seriously there’s a lot of men out there who will Worship the ground you walk on.

  5. for a brief moment when I first met my husband, I kinda felt like he was out of my league because he was just so hot. All of my friends were like “omg no way” and everywhere we went, he got hit on by both men and women.

    then I smacked myself upside the head and said to myself “girl, you are a catch! if he’s using you, use him back!”. After that mini self pep talk, I just went with it. I honestly thought it was a summer fling so I changed my perspective and used him for sex. No expectations, just come over, gimme some and go home, thanks! 🤷‍♀️😄

    turned out he was really serious about me which took me by surprise. Woops.

    we’ve been together for over 20yrs and have 2 teens.

  6. I’d wonder why he was with me.

    Seriously considering whether his motivations involved something financial, spiteful towards a third-party or sinister intentions.

  7. If he’d made me feel like that I’d dump him. If he never said anything like that and those feelings were just a result of my insecurities and try and work on them.

  8. I feel like this a lot he is super clever and I’m thick as custard 😂 also he likes rock chicks and I’m more well i don’t know what i am probably more boho I guess 😛

  9. We are kind of yin and yang. He’s super personable and can make friends with just about anyone, and we joke that I’m a “mean girl” lol I just think it balances us out. Ironically I’m the one in sales and he has already said he could never do my job lol

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