My (18f) boyfriend (18m) got a frenulumplasty a month ago. Small procedure because the string on the back of the head snapped a few times, they cut it and stitch it together so it grows longer and stops breaking. But he can’t use his dick (masturbation or sex) for 6 weeks. So still a couple weeks to go.

He recently told me boners have stopped hurting, we haven’t done a lot sexually in a while because of it. He’s eaten me out a few times but that’s it.

Horny and want to surprise him with a video of me using a toy on myself saying I wish it was him etc. Remind him of what he’s looking forward to.

Though on second thoughts would that just make him more annoyed being reminded he can’t use his dick and turning him on when he can’t do anything about it?

  1. Surprise nudes are great for anytime. If his boners don’t hurt anymore, than go right ahead. Mən like something to look forward to. It might make him eat you out more

  2. I would say you wait till he’s ready to use him again.

    But i think everbody is different there.

  3. Seems to be mixed opinions. Personally I say go for it. I love it when my wife sends me nudes even if I can’t do anything about it. The anticipation for when we will finally get to have sex is so frustrating but in a fun way. Maybe check with him since there seem to be mixed opinions.

    Deployed military so it is for a long time and I can’t really masturbate very often, been weeks now but I still love it when she sends me pictures.

  4. Mixed reactions and advice, it really depends on his preferences. I would like it, knowing my gf is missing sexy time and looking forward to us being intimate again.

  5. Do the vids as you feel like, but save them for closer to the date when he’ll be able to participate.

    If you send them a day or two before your “reunion”, he’ll definitely be ready when you two get back together.

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