TLDR- both I (45m) and my girlfriend (32f) had what is best described as a ‘out of body’ trip from using toys anally.

Mine happened in my mid 20s. I’ve been occasionally using toys while masturbating since early 20s and have done pegging with a few partners. When this happed I was using the biggest toy I’d tried up to that time. It wasn’t huge but still a challenge for me. I had to relax and focus on breathing and just let my body accept it. When it finally went in deep it triggered a euphoric feeling and I felt like I was floating above my body. It lasted maybe 5-10 seconds, I don’t really remember. Since then I’ve felt touches of it but never to that level.

Fast forward to a few years ago. My gf was putting on a toy show for me. She’s done very little anal play. She was squatting on a medium sized toy and slowly sliding down on it, easing it in. When she was almost to the base her eyes rolled back and her expression and body language completely changed. It lasted about 10 seconds I think. When she came out of it she was breathlessly repeating “I went somewhere, I went somewhere!”. It was seriously one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. I told her about my past experience and she described hers as very similar.

Is this a known thing?? And if so are there techniques to trigger it again?

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