Ever since my friend moved away, I haven’t been feeling it with her. She moved across the country.

I don’t want to talk to her anymore. I spent an hour facetiming her with the other day and I felt so blank. Like if she disappeared from my life right now, I would never have any regrets and not feel anything.

She thinks everything is going fine in our friendship and regularly calls me, texts me, sends me reels.

I’m thinking of unfollowing her socials and just blocking her to end communication with her and be done with it. But I don’t know if that’s okay. Even if I don’t care about her (too much, I’m not absolutely heartless), I still care if it’s wrong to do.

Before she moved, we used to be super close. Hang out all the time after school. She used to do so badly, fail all her classes, and I was really the only person there for her that actively encouraged her, helped her with schoolwork, believed she was not “just stupid” the way she claimed she was. She’s doing amazing now and it made me happy to see her like that.

She did something to me before she moved. She told people sensitive stuff she wasn’t supposed to, because she didn’t want to seem like an asshole to them. They were people she would never see again because she was moving, and weren’t even friends.

I think that really destroyed a part of our friendship. I’ve never thought her the same since. I’ve always trusted her whole-heartedly and for her to reveal such personal info about me “to not seem like an AH”, while being an AH to me, is such a dick move.

The only reason I began talking to her again after was because my other friends told me to, but I regret it and feel like shit. She never asks how i’m doing. She’s always talking about the new cutest guy in her school and will not once ask how I’m doing.

I don’t know what to do about it. I don’t want to fix our friendship. I think I’m still mad at her, and I don’t think that’s something that will change. Please help, I’m so lost.

tl;dr I want to block my friend after she moved away, we used to be close but ever since she told other ppl some of my secrets, i haven’t felt the same about her.

  1. Blocking her out of nowhere is not the right way to go about it. If you really think there’s no salvaging the friendship or talking this out with her, you do whatever you want to do. But this sounds like you’re just still mad at her for betraying your trust and you haven’t properly dealt with your feelings on it or discussed it with her. You’re judging her during your calls, you’re assuming she’s choosing to not ask about you but maybe you’re closed off and she doesn’t know what to do or say. If cutting her off out of nowhere makes you feel better, go for it, but it 100% makes you the asshole overall in this situation with her. And it won’t make you feel better down the road.

    You’re an adult now, act like one. Address it. You do not have to be friends with her afterward, and you can tell her you don’t want to be and ask her to stop contacting you. But, I have a feeling that’s not the case deep down, so talk to her. Don’t be mean to each other, share how you feel and you can discuss how to resolve it. If that doesn’t work, then end the friendship amicably and do your thing without each other. Give her the chance to, at least, apologize properly for how her actions have made you feel.

  2. Tbf if she hurt you then you have a reason to do all of that.
    But I was the friend that moved away and my best friend decided she didn’t want to be friends with me anymore and she just stopped talking to me and deleted me on socials, I took it hard cause I did not understand it happened out of nowhere.

    But if your friend hurt you , maybe talk to her about it ? And if she doesn’t see how much she hurt you then she isn’t a real friend.

  3. She told your secret and doesn’t reciprocate when it comes to helping you/supporting you/listening to you.

    You could block her.

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