Men who don’t play video games, why?

  1. If I had free time, I’d learn to play the piano.

    If, after learning piano, I still had free time I’d write a book.

    If, after writing a book, II still had free time I’d program drones and build drones from kits.

    I’m not saying I’d *never* play video games, but there are many better ways to spend my time.

  2. I like to make shit. Machines, wood crafts, furniture, structures.

    I only play vidja games when the Navy sends me away from doing the stuff I love.

  3. Haven’t we come a long way from the ‘gaming is for kids’, now it’s why don’t you play Mr?

  4. Short attention span. Like being outside. I leave the games to the kids. Castlevania was fun for Nintendo, though.

  5. I’m an “outside dog.” And my profession is in the technology sector where I’m inside during 90% of my daily shift. I go outside during government mandated breaks at my job. Weekends are my only time I have free time and a chance to do outside activities. If I spent it playing video games, I’d get to the next week and just run out of steam at work from being inside too much.

    TL;DR : it’s a completely self preservation mechanism. No video games = continued job success.

    Now, if there were a cheap and completely waterproof way to play video games, outside, at any hour of the day with my mame unit or Xbox one … maybe … maybe … I’d consider it. But, I’m more of an enjoyer of video games of the 90’s from arcade cabinets.

  6. To anyone who said it’s a waste of time below, anything can be a waste of time if you don’t enjoy it and have little interest which is your answer here.
    For me personally my hobbies are football/soccer, cricket and gaming. Anything outside those three I cannot be bothered with and I think it’s a waste of my time.

  7. I wouldn’t say that I quit but I’m online for maybe 20 hours a week and the main reason is literally just that it’s not fun anymore. Every game I play is boring to me, and it’s not a case of shitty attention span or commitment issues. It’s just that they don’t make games the same anymore and with me being indoors for so long with the pandemic I just kinda got burnt out.

    My track record is fucking horrifying though so it’s maybe a good thing. But at the same time my gf suddenly wants me to build her a monster of a PC (she’s not a gamer whatsoever) so who knows, maybe I’ll be revisiting some favorites soon.

  8. No longer are fun.

    Actually realising that life is a much funnier video game. Right now im busy leveling up my irl character. Imagine 4hrs a day instead on league, be spent on gym or learning…

  9. I just don’t have time for it.
    I could do it instead of going to the gym but I already have enough screen time a day and also the gym is a lot more important to me.

    There is no way to squeeze it into my day to day life

  10. I just don’t have time.

    Whenever I do find time I rarely find a game that really draws me in, for some reason the idea of gaming seems to appeal a lot more than the reality of it.

  11. I feel like I just grew up. Whenever I play now, I feel like I could be working or improving my life. Video games don’t improve anything in your life except hand eye coordination and maybe socialization. You waste time chasing power ups or achievements which could be better used to improve your life.

  12. I rather bring a chick over and fire up Netflix on the oled 4k. That’s my only time watching some screen.

  13. i mean it’s not that i don’t play video games it’s that i get tired after like 20 minutes. after a match or two i’m just kinda drained

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