Throw away because… obviously

Ok so, I’ve been doing anal off and again for like maybe 3 years at this point. Tonight I was using my toy, I usually throw out the toys once I’m done, and this one new one I bought was small. So after I played around with that for a while it wasn’t doing it for me, so In a moment of lust I shoved the end of a portable vacuum cleaner, like the small ones that are part dust buster, up there. Well it did the the trick, problem is I have no idea if I damaged something. And I don’t know what to do…nothing hurts like terribly right now but maybe that’s just because it just happened, and Instill have adrelone. What do I do, I have no one irl to talk to about this, my parents are super conservative and I don’t have money for a doctor, im in college.

  1. Is a vacuum part still in you or is everything out?

    If nothing os stuck inside you and you’re not bleeding, and there is no pain you’ll be ok. Adrenaline isn’t going to hid pain where you tore something, you’d be in a lot of pain right now.

    However, if you do start to experience pain, or bleeding, you’ll need to go to the urgent care somewhere. Just tell your parents you are in pain from constipation. And then describe the pain. No big deal. Tell the nurse or doctor what happened when you are have a private moment. They’ve heard it all before and will treat you for your injury.

    Good luck!

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