What is something that you’re proud of about your significant other?

  1. She weened herself off her anxiety medicines all by herself. The docs kept pushing and she resisted. She could feel all of the changes happen, and they had some very highs and some very lows.

    She walked herself off of it in less than a year. It was impressive. She’s happier and healthier than she’s ever been.

  2. She has managed to survive being trans in America and still find love. She didn’t figure out who she was until her mid twenties and I was the only person she felt safe enough to come out to. Her family disowned her when she came out to them, because it was simply too painful for her to continue to pretend being someone she wasn’t. She bared with the humiliation and indignation of having to change her name legally. She had the courage to go through with her transition, despite how much this country hates her for just trying to be herself. She’s the most resilient person I know and I love her.

  3. She used to waitress at a private golf club. Being able to deal with drunk douchebags is a skill she honed over time as a result

  4. She’s very smart, she thinks of things and ways of doing things I can never. I actually learn from her and I find that attractive.

  5. The business she worked for was going to be put up for sale as the owner was moving. She believed enough in the business that she bought it, and has kept it running successfully for a little over ten years now.

  6. That their not anonymous or that they post a question in this subreddit that’s asked several times a week.

  7. I’ve never had any idea what my professional/career goals are. I’m on a solid path now, but I just fell into it (thanks to her).

    She, on the other hand, has had specific career goals and taken steps to reach them for as long as I’ve known her. When she decides for whatever reason that the current path no longer suits her, she wraps it up and starts working on another. The way she can pinpoint what she wants, even if the desire doesn’t last forever, and work toward it with such determination.

  8. She has been through some serious shit in her life. She bur
    Ried it deep inside to hide from it. She had a job that she made 95k a year. She buried herself into that. She lost her job to the lockdown from COVID. When she didn’t have that to hide behind any more, she had to start facing it. She has been working on getting through things 1 thing at a time No matter how hard it has gotten for her, she hasn’t given up. I am so proud of her for that

  9. Starting her own business 🙂 and seeing her grow so much from it. Her confidence is so much higher

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