I have no dating experience at all. When I see girl, should I ask for number?

And what should I say in dating? I feel like I only know how to say Hi and Bye.

Is there a large group of dating examples? Such as speech dialogue

  1. 1. Stop “dating”. Open your friendship paradigm to include women. Be as supportive and appreciative of the women in your friend circle as you are of the men in your friend circle.
    2. Continue with step 1 until you and one of the women in your friend circle fall in love.

    “Dating advice” is nothing more than recycled tales of someone else’s failure. Do what works for you.

  2. >As a man, I feel dating is just like a Job Interview

    This is the problem here. You’re getting to methodical with it like you’re job hunting. Don’t do that. Just focus on living your life and if you happen on a girl you fancy, let her know you dig her. That’s pretty much it.

    Don’t try and follow scripts or examples. You’re just gonna come off robotic, unnatural and, honestly, unattractive. We don’t want that.

  3. I’m a woman and I feel the same way, but not in terms of needing to put on false front to impress, rather in that you are both asking questions and talking to see if you are a good fit for each other. You can do that and be true to yourself.

  4. Your title and your post don’t seem to have a lot to do with each other, but if you are feeling like it’s a job interview, try doing an activity instead of just staring at each other over coffee.

  5. maybe youre approaching job interviews wrong? job interviews are about pathos. youre already qualified or you wouldnt be there. the interview os just to sell yourself and make them like you. just like a date.

  6. Don’t overthink it or treat it like a job interview.
    When you see a girl, ask if she has a boyfriend or have time to hang out. Then ask for her phone number. (If she says no, don’t take it personally, it’s not you.)
    During the date. As a girl, I like guy with full of positive energy and enjoy life.
    Relax, share your interest or ask about her interest. Have some fun.

  7. Dating is like Jon interviews. The more interviews you have , the better chance you’ll have at find a job you like.

  8. Think less and feel more. Us Guys are too logical when it comes to dating. Focus more on how you feel about the other person. Instead of trying to impress her, the goal is to see if you like her, and if you two are compatible. Have you ever felt chemistry with someone? You don’t get this with job interview interactions.

  9. The best interviews I’ve ever had are the ones where I get people laughing, relax, and have fun with it.

    As for your questions, you should ask for a girl’s number if you’re interested/attracted to her, and on a date, you aren’t going to get much guidance outside of absolute basics. What do you want to talk about?

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