So I started a new job the other week as an apprentice and I’ve noticed that one employee in particular point blank refuses to acknowledge me. He makes it very clear that he’s avoiding even getting the slightest glimpse of me even though we work in the same area. So for example his eyes are everywhere in the room but on me, head always turned in opposite direction, takes the long route around me if he has to walk past me and always talks to other colleagues we share the space with but hasn’t said a single thing to me.

Does anyone know why he’s doing this?

I’m worried I’ve done something wrong. I stalked everyone on Facebook when I got home after my first day and is it possible I could of accidentally liked a post or picture? Or could he have one of those trackers to see who has visited his page and can see I’ve been on multiple times? Or maybe he’s caught me staring at him because I do really like his haircut and combats but I only look when he’s got his back turned and avoid looking at him now when he’s in the room too because his lack of acknowledgment has freaked me out. I don’t think I’ve said anything out loud about him that anyone could of overheard and told him.

Anyway the whole things stressing me out and I was wondering is it something I’ve done or just how he is?

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