I’ve been together with my gf for 3 years now and we just never make eye contact during sex. I’ve expressed multiple times how its important to me and it just never happens. I do acknowledge my gf mentioned its difficult for her because of a past situation with an ex so I want to be mindful of that, but at the same time when can I push for this to happen.

  1. You don’t p[ush for it to happen any more than you push for any other thing a person expresses as not-wanted to happen.

    Put me in the boat of people who find it exceedingly offputting, except in very small, passing doses.

  2. Eye contact during sex is intense. Very intense.

    You need to let her build up to it. Maybe start with focused eye gazing exercises outside of the bedroom

  3. I used to hate eye contact when having sex with my girlfriend for some reason, felt awkward and uncomfortable but the more we explored each others body and got comfortable with eachother the more I enjoyed eye contact while fucking, went from feeling awkward to feeling intimate. Start by taking smaller steps into makin her feel comfortable while fucking

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