I (24M) usually prefer to stay alone. But it doesn’t mean that I hate friendship, I absolutely believe in friendship but I don’t really care about quantity, my main preference is quality. I have only one friend currently, but he is my genuine friend, our friend is much deeper and not just superficial one. I am always like this, I will choose one or two people from a bunch of classmates and will only talk to them. Gradually I make a small friend circle, more like infinitesimal small. I don’t know but I can’t socialize with any people, I am selectively social type. But this has caused many problems, like I feel bored when they were absent from school or college. I struggled to talk with other people, who were not in my friend circle. Sometime I feel like a oil droplet which can’t mix with water.

There is a negative trait that I have, sometime I try to sabotage my own friendships when I feel like there are too many people who Befriended me, it’s like I am strictly maintaining a small friend circle to preserve my comfort zone. I feel exhausted by too much people. Is it something bad? Should I just try to mix with everyone?

1 comment
  1. Haha I was just going to make a post asking about the “small friend group” thing, because I have the same habit. When I meet “my people”, I won’t talk to anyone else. I don’t think there’s something wrong with that, it just shows that you’re probably very comfortable with them now. You also seem like you don’t need a bajillion friends to be happy; you’re a quality over quantity type of person. Maybe you feel like you found your “quota” and don’t really need to branch out anymore. You only feel alone or something when they’re gone. Now it’s all about trying to leave your comfort zone again to reach out to new people.

    I’m trying to overcome the same thing. I made a group of 4 friends and now I don’t feel like talking with other people.

    Good luck to the both of us haha

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