Hey fellas, I’ve got a bit of a sweaty situation down here in sunny Florida. After a 30-minute walk to class in that scorching hot sun, I’m smelling like a locker room. Any of you guys have tips on staying fresh and clean despite the heat? Deodorants, powders, or any other hacks to beat the Florida heat odor?

  1. I live in the tropics so I’m in a similar situation.

    I trim my body hair every couple of months, wear deodorant daily (Gillette Clear Gel is my favorite) and shower twice a day.

    It’s enough for me, I commute around 1.5km everyday and don’t tend to sweat or smell.

  2. Not a man, but I use the Tropical Paradise deodorant stick from Suave and it held up well when I was in Florida in terms of not smelling bad. And I was sweating a lot.

  3. Shave your armpits and your ass crack. While your down there may as well manscape the rest of it.

  4. Trim your bodyhair if it’s excessive, usually it’s the pits that cause most of the smell, target your shower to be right before going out and make sure it’s a cold shower to bring your body temperature down so you stay fresh longer, wear white or some bright color to reflect most of the sunlight, use deoderant right before you go out, try being in the shade as much as possible, be as loose and relaxed as possible, try to keep your arms away from the body a bit more than usually to allow better air circulation around your body, wear loose-fitting shirts or at the very least casual fit so you have even better air circulation. That’s pretty much all I can think of right now, there might be more though

  5. Avoid polyester shirts. Yes you will be a bit cooler in a polyester workout shirt, but they smell the second sweat touches them. If you have the budget get merino, if not then get cotton, linen etc.

  6. Also, umbrellas for sun shade are legit in most of the world. I don’t know whey they’re considered un*cool* in America. Let your ego take the hit and start a new fashion.

  7. 100% cotton or other natural fabrics can help. Double cleanse the armpits…once with soap-leave it on the skin for a bit before rinsing, then apply benzoyl peroxide face wash (Pan oxyl is one brand but they make generics) to the armpits. Let it sit for a minute and then rinse well. Warning, it will bleach any fabrics it comes into contact with so make sure you rinse it well. It has made a huge difference for me.

  8. I was going to say until I counted coup on that one hangin judge, there was nothing for it but booze; but I think we may have different fragrance issues, and definition of walker.

  9. Buy some Dude Wipes and use them where needed

    Or save money and buy baby wipes. But dude wipes sound more masculine 😂

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