Got put in the same group as a guy, lets call him John. I wasn’t really close to John but we’re in the same friend group. I haven’t talked to him much recently but we were on a friendly term at the beggining of the year

During the entire time, he would only communicate and do the group work with his friend, and when I try to talk to him or ask him something he’d give me a short curt confusing answer, or would just blankly ignore what I said. He’d be talking to people from other groups than talking to me. In the end, I kinda just accepted it and ended up only talking to the guy that is sitting next to me.

It felt very disrespectful and I feel disrespected, but through the groupwork I had put up with him intially because I thought he was just busy and I’m overthinking, and later when I realize that isn’t the case, because I needed something from him in order to get the work done. Still, it felt terrible the entire time.

I don’t know why he’s like this. I’ve seen heard advice of dealing with people who go out their way to intentionally ignore you, to just not pay attention to them as well as they’re not worth your time. But I can’t help but feel that there might have been something about me, like if he sees me as weird, annoying, or too low value for him that he sees me as not worth the effort. I don’t think I’ve done anything to him, as I have never even talked to him in a long time outside of greeting and some quick chat

What should I do in this scenario?

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