This is in reference to the TikTok trend of the past two days.

  1. I think about what my strategy would have been to keep the Roman Empire from falling and how good of a legionary I would be

  2. Probably once a week, maybe once every 2 or 3 weeks if I have other things going on in my life.

    I also enjoy history more than a lot of other people though

  3. I mean, not always, but also not never.

    Fun etymological fact: the name “Istanbul” is derived from a bastardization of the Greek “stin polis” meaning “to the city”, which is what the Byzantines, the last of the Roman Empire, would shout when the Turks were winning a battle outside Constantinople.

  4. I think about what could have been had Constantine not executed his son, Crispus, and he had a successor that wasn’t a complete idiot like the rest of his children were.

  5. Honestly… like once a week? Is that a lot? Maybe more, if I really think about it and you’re including really brief thoughts about ancient philosophers or military tactics or some shit.

  6. Back when I was in elementary school, I was obsessed with the Roman Empire. If a time traveler offered to send young me back to 1 AD, I would have jumped at the opportunity.

    As an adult, I mainly think about the Roman Empire when playing videogames. Which is admittedly pretty often.

    For America at large, a lot of references to the Roman Civilization are baked into our society. This is probably due to the US gaining independence during the height of Neoclassicism, when the West was very interested in the classical age.

  7. It’s both an interest of mine and something I’ve studied formally. I probably think about “the Roman Empire” in the broadest sense multiple times a day, but sometimes it’s the Byzantines, sometimes the Roman Republic, etc.

  8. I drove on a road today. Do you know who else had roads? The Romans, that’s who. This one led to Taco Bell though.

  9. I wasn’t aware of this meme until my girlfriend asked me yesterday. I said literally everyday. She was shook. Then I reminded her that I work at a specifically Roman inspired Italian restaurant.

  10. As in, America is like the former empire and it shall fall, too? I think maybe it’s a more of a fitting question for Brits. No? No disrespect to my British friends. Not sure where you are going with the question I guess.

    Bring back the human fighting ’til death? Like this kind of answer. 👍….👎

  11. I like history in general and certainly Roman history as well. I am also a fan of the Total War series which often centers around Rome. So I probably think about it quite often compared to the average person.

  12. Constantly. Every waking hour of the day, my mind is filled with red flags bearing SPQR.

    Joking asside, maybe not *every* day, but I think about Rome a lot. It had a major impact on European history and language, so it’s worth thinking about.

  13. Nicki Minaj is my Caesar Augustus and I will forever more be the Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa to her! If we go by that logic I think about the Roman Empire every other day because I have her music on my playlist lol. Everything Rome has done, has been doing, has led up to its destiny of creating Nicki Minaj! The best thing it’s ever done!

    Romans Revenge is the modern day Secular Ode!

    …I’m a fan of Nicki Minaj

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