Recently a girl I went on a date with shared that she talks to one guy at a time and sees if it works, and then moves on to the next option if it doesn’t . It provided a lot of comfort on my end to move at her pace and do the same , bc she seemed cool.

Usually , if you go on 1-2 dates and y’all vibe …there’s this uncomfortable period where you both kinda wonder if the other is actively dating or focused on you. Causes a lot of fallout IMO.

Ladies , how do you generally operate ? I usually don’t broach with the dating prospect , bc it’s none of my business at first .

  1. I usually date a few men at a time. Somewhere around 3-4 depending on my free time. I feel like it gives a bit of variety and you see what different options exist.

  2. It depends a little on what my matches are like. Sometimes, I’ve only had one match at a time that keeps chatting enough to get to a date. Sometimes there are a couple at once that I’m interested in getting to know. The most I’ve casually dated at a time is 3. But if I go on three or four dates with a guy and am not interested enough in him to focus on just him, then I cut it off – regardless of if I’m talking to any others. Or, if one of the multiples I’m talking to stands out, I’ll cut the others off to focus on him. I also don’t sleep with multiple people at a time.

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