Who is your One That Got Away?

  1. Girl I knew was into me for a while. Was already in a relationship but it was a bad one and went over a year longer than it should have – I was a putz…

    I don’t really care if we even hit it off, we just never even tried. That’s always the worst part. I’d rather fail at things in life than never try.

  2. The one that I felt like was the one that got away was a girl I’d known since junior high. We were really close and even went on a few dates together. Whenever I seemed sad or depressed, she always seemed to show up and make things better. I honestly loved this girl more than any other girl I had been with. But it was this love that I had for her that terrified me, I was so scared that if I did anything, hugged her for too long, flirted too much, told her how I felt, something would go wrong and I would be without her. I always wondered why she never went on dates with other guys, she was funny, gorgeous, and our sense of humor was nearly identical. I ended up moving away and she went off to college. I talked to her sister after I moved away and found out that she was hoping I would make a move and that she didn’t want anyone but me, which explained her non existent dating life. She is since married, as am I but the thought creeps in every so often about if I had made that move, hugged for as long as I wanted, would it have worked….

  3. So many I don’t even like thinking about it. I’m not all that great at it now but a much younger version of myself was utterly clueless at how to respond to the girls who were flirting with me all the time. People would have to literally point out to me what was going on. I just assumed they were just being friendly or wanted homework help or something. Ahh well mistakes were made

  4. We technically both got away. We filled every last of each other’s physical, emotional, psychological, romantic, and intellectual needs. We had different views on family and marriage though. We had a hard time letting go. We got so attached and there was nobway to convince her to want kids and get married, and there was no way to convince me to just elope forever and devout my life to social causes only and not kids. She was wonderful though. Time stood still when we were together. She had the most angelic smile and laugh. She had the most beautiful sandy blonde curls, green eyes, caramel skin, freckles, and big lips. Nice cocombas too, not gonna lie, but she was absolutely lovely. We laughed until our sides hurt. She couldn’t keep her hands off me– wanting to cuddle and also be physically intimate. We were always talking into late hours of the night. She was clever too. Our first date we went on a hike to see a rare desert bloom and she brought a camel pack of beer and sandwiches she made. We had a grand time. We were content just doing nothing in silence. One day we just sat on the beach holding eachother in silence. We would occasionally stop and say what are we doing??? You don’t want what I want and vice versa, but we want eachother. We both tried to convince eachother to think as the other but it never worked. There came a point of frustration that the other would not budge outside their beliefs and that the other would not leave eachother alone. We tried several times to go cold turkey. Until one day it ended like one of those movies where the guy sets his pet wolf free. We just got angry at eachother and told the other to just stop coming back. Go away and life your life. We’ve had a few run ins, but we just as quickly dodge eachother the way you dodge a salesmen at Costco.

  5. Girl in my class in uni. She was the best. Positive personality, a joy to be around, could make you laugh, aaaaannd looks didn’t hurt either. Problem was she had a bf (that we later found out was a cheating sob but I digress) for the first three years, and for the one semester she was single pre covid, I got cold feet/got socially awkward around her.

    But alas, I’ve moved on, she’s in a healthy relationship, and I’m happy for her. We’re still friends. All is well that ends well I suppose

  6. A girl in my class in uni. She was funny, sweet, kind, smart and absolutely beautiful. She was one of those people who have a positivity that’s just infectious and you just can’t seem to say no to and we did some really funny shit together. We share pretty much the same tastes in everything except music and she’s the best person I’ve ever met. I did eventually work up the nerve to ask her out and we went on a couple of dates, but it was too late as she was moving away to finish her degree. We still talk and we are very still close but part of me will always wonder what could’ve been if I’d have said something sooner.

  7. Second woman I dated after my divorce. She was gorgeous, fit as fuck, smart as hell, and the kinkiest woman I’ve ever known. We seemed to click sexually, emotionally, every way I could hope for and I felt crazy for thinking this could be a long term thing. 2 months later she dumped me out of absolutely nowhere. I’m in a great relationship now, I gave her a ring, I don’t pine over the other one but I think about her fondly and often.

  8. She’s out there somewhere, my first love. An absolute tomboy country girl that would have been the one if she didn’t move countries. I occupied that last few decades but Toni, I’m still here…

  9. If I had to say, probably the one girl at the end of 8th grade who actually liked me and straight up told me so. But since I was bullied throughout elementary school, so 8 years, I thought it was just another final prank on me that she was in on. I found out later that it wasn’t like that, but I rejected her pretty bluntly at the moment when it happened and hurt her because of it, so obviously it was too late. But hey, it is what it is, she’s long since moved on and so have I.

  10. Quite a few that got away because my autism made me oblivious to their, looking back at it, obvious interest. :/

    Never thought I’d be worth anyone’s love…

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