Guys I know this is gonna sound pretty bad, but ive been with this girl (19F) for about 3 months now, the thing is we had dated in the past for about 2 years and we reconnected after almost a year of our breakup. we have been doing long distance now(we didnt before).

A little bit of insight and context, she was the one who broke up with me because appraently “we werent compatible and we wanted different things.” She was the one who reached out to me this time. Previously I had put a lot of time and effort to save our relationship but it was as clear as day that she wanted no part of it but at time we would have our moments where she would be the sweetest and most loving woman, but then ice me out completely, i was also very low on her priority list back then. I had some issues regarding her fangirling over other celebs(which i know now if i didnt thne, that is very petty and stupid), this time around we talked and realized that we had fixed our flaws. She was very apologetic when she reached out to me this time, all was good until recently.

Now again, though shes better than before, she has this thing where she talks to me like the sweetest person ever and then the next day she just doesnt wanna talk, even if i call her tone is so dry that i feel like never talking to her again, i get that no one can maintain the 100% energy mark all the time but this has a become a pattern. We used to have even sexual moments but they have completely died with me just being pent up, but i know that could be because of the distance, regardless, i want you guys’ opinion on that. Moving on to why i have decided to come to reddit is because, now ive reverted to overthinking again, as she has been liking other celebs again, meaning she herself said that when we brokeup she didnt feel attracted to anyone, now i dont mind her feeling that way about celebs because hey, everyone has celeb crushes, but heres the deal:

she says all these nice things about these people, complimenting them etc but is so dry with me, when i talk about us or even get a little bit of love from her. This is the thing that hurts me, i dont mind her liking other or being attracted to celebs but when shes so dry with me, doesnt care about anything, me staying with her on call or not, nothing matters to her. I have tried talking to her about it and she just says thats how she is, she still loves me and that she just has her moments/days when she feels like that towards everyone(being isolated i mean) but this is frequent that it ends up hurting me.

I just want you to guys let me know if im just overthinking and in the wrong for feeling this way. I havent had a proper convo with her about this because i feel like maybe i could be the one overthinking and in the wrong here. Thank you for reading all this, your answers would really really help my state of mind.

1 comment
  1. Why are you with someone who treats you like this? This isn’t a relationship. You’re a convenience to her. She wants “someone”. She’s going to keep you around until she finds someone else and then she’s going to be gone again.
    If you stay with her, it’s only going to get worse.

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