So, just recently my (31, F) sex drive and being vocal about what I want to explore and do with my partner has significantly increased. It’s been super fun to talk about we over doubled our sex life, even having sex a few times a day within hours (something we’ve rarely done). It’s been a blast.

My main question is, has this happened to anyone else? I get nervous for a few things. I know he is enjoying it too but I feel like I’ve become borderline obsessed (kind of) with reading about how to safely and ethically introduce new things in the bedroom, trying new things, practicing oral that I haven’t done in a while, reading about threesomes, sexting with partners and other sexual acts because it feels so new and exciting to me. It’s not me just straight up looking at porn, it’s a lot of learning, discovering and wanting us both to be a part of it all. I also don’t want him to expect it’ll always be like this because what if it stops one day as quickly as it happened?

I’ve had a lot of hormonal issues, PCOS, and other things wrong with me and just started feeling normal this year after doctors and medication so I’m so excited that I finally feel how great sex it and how fun it is and what it’s like to just be horny.

  1. I had a super dramatic increase in mine as well (F38), starting around 36. It’s still up there and can be frustrating at times.πŸ˜‚ I thought my antidepressants might have a negative impact on my libido, but it seemed to do the opposite. I think it’s hormones changing, and, for me personally, being in a better place mentally

  2. Just go with the flow girl and enjoy it! Sex drive can wax and wane and be heavily influenced by work stress and (particularly) young kids in the house. In our 40 year marriage we sometimes only had sex twice a month at times and at other times twice a day. A 62 and retired we are back on a high and fuck probably every other day with mutual/self masturbation in between those sessions. One thing you and your man might like to try out is one of the online sex questionnaires like or … this will identify mutual kinks that you might both be into but don’t know it.

  3. Well, I hope you know that they made several scientific studies on female pleasure and they confirm that as women gets older 30s and up especially 40 marks on up woman gets more sexually satisfied with better overall sex orgasms intensity lubrication still and very high interest in sexual desire and longer stamina. So you’re good hun!!πŸ˜‰πŸ‘Œ

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