I guess I give off a certain vibe but I don’t know, I’m socially awkward, but I tend to be very friendly and agreeable with everyone unless it’s ridiculous, and love joking around. Anyway, it seems girls seem to want to know me more than guys do, I mean I could just walk into the wrong class at school and a student that’s going to the right one will help me find it and then try to initiate conversations. But the thing is it’s always a girl, whether it’s giving the persons I sit with friend giving me chips, people around the school introducing themself to me, it’s always a girl, how do I start get approached by boys?

  1. Why would you want to do that? Women are great and guys are basically gorillas that can talk. Consider yourself lucky.

  2. Start gaining muscle mass, you´re going to receive more comliments by boys which you can use to turn into a conversation.

  3. I think men tend to approach each other to be friends less than women tbh

    The easiest way would be to engage in a hobby where you can meet other guys – if there are any clubs at school that do sports or gaming or something then that would be the way to go

    Has to be something you’re actually interested in ofc… but shared activities are pretty much the go to way to make friends in general (in my experience anyway)

  4. Do you approach guys? They might be seeing that most of your friends are girls and you don’t approach guys so maybe they just don’t think you want to be their friends.

  5. you’re not wrong; it’s because they do.

    from personal experience, women tend to make friends by getting to know a little bit about many people and then talking more and more with the ones they like best, while men tend to make friends by doing the same activities at the same time as the same group of other people until they feel like members of a team. (hetero dating tends to work the same way, which is why you get men writing whole treatises on how to walk up and talk to women they don’t know yet while simultaneously always developing crushes on coworkers and siblings’ friends and stuff while women tend to be messaging back and forth with multiple people for an extended period before deigning to actually meet one somewhere)

    if you want to make friends with guys, it’s as simple or as difficult (depending on your personality and lifestyle) as finding a place that caters to a specific common interest and then being a regular there until you’re familiar. sports bars are a classic, but volunteer orgs, game groups, or even just a coffee shop or spot on campus you can work at regularly will all work; the key component is familiarity and tasks.

  6. In my experience, guys will only approach if you have a more extroverted vibe and it’s very clear you’re having a blast or share interests or hobbies, unless they are trying to be nice or just make small talk and stuff.

    Meanwhile girls approach slightly socially awkward people more easily. Makes them curious, i think.

    Wear a t-shirt of something you like, play a game in public, give them any “hobby excuse” lol. Ideally just frequent the places where people do the things you enjoy.

  7. My best friend is a guy. Almost all other friends are women. It happens. If nothing else, women feel safe around you and that’s a great thing. Don’t ruin that. If they like you and you like them, go ahead and date but keep friends friends otherwise.

  8. Women in general are more open to making friends or just being social around strangers. You can take the lead and approach other guys if you want to make male friends.

    Guys just aren’t going to approach in general. Joining a club fulk of men will help you. The hobby becomes a safe space where they can be more talkative.

  9. Can’t really give you advice, but I’ve kinda had the same experience when putting myself out there. I’ve felt like that I’m able to connect with women more often than men. Glad to hear that I’m not alone. I’m also gay, which might play a factor. Only advice that I can give you and may or may not work for you is just start trying to say hi to people. I just did that for a while, and eventually I made male and female friends. You’ll face a lot of rejection though, so you’ll need to know how to look out for that.

  10. Men aren’t often socialized to make new friends as adults. That’s why so many of them are gutted after a breakup or divorce, because they were counting on their female partner to provide all the things you’re supposed to have friends for. It’s also one reason men cheat more; because when they need someone to talk to, they don’t realize they can get that from a friend, they associate it with sexual partners only.

    Whereas women tend to remain open to making new platonic connections everywhere they go, and opening up to their friends about things they’re going through.

  11. Girls actually like and prefer people on whom they can dump their emotional garbage. Don’t be that person they will make you a mess.

  12. while i do not have direct answer or suggestion, id like to suggest a general direction for you to follow – make a concious effort to enjoy yourself, where ever you are.

    As a rule, people are drawn and curious about those of others that have a Good Vibe in them. In average, everyone is a bit (or a lot?) stuck in their own head, thinking and dealing with their own lives and problems, and are in some kind of pain that lingers in a background about all of the time. Whether its general discomfort and tiredness, feeling lonely, or some sensation or psychological like missing someone/heartbreak, they are semi absorbed in processing it. So when they see someone who is behaving like he/she is cool with life, relaxed and cheerful while doing their own thing, they notivce that person and start wondering if interacting with them would charge their mental battery.

    I told “enjoying yourself”, because you have to portray it sincerely. Sometimes, people who rediate such energy, are themselves dealing with very difficult times (grief, health issues, etc.), so its not really related to what you are going through in life at that moment, but more like being convinced in a fundamental level that “in the end, everything will turn out be just fine”. Literally everyone NEEDS expeeiences and interactions that bring them hope, so you can try and social-engineer your behaviour in such ways that you look like a guy that could give them hope and make their life better or easier. This is just one of many possible perspectives, do you think it could work for you?

    About girls only thing – i think its cultural. Firstly, its the social programming that starts in childhood at play, girls are encouraged to problem solve through voicing their issues and seek connections to others on same level or adults/mentors etc. While boys are expected to solve theirs on their own, not to whine when in trouble, compete with peers in the ways that dont need so much social skills (sports, intellectual stuff, gaming to some extent). So because of those gender-related differences, emotional treshold to overcome seems to be much lower for girls, after all, they have years of experience, do it almost every day. Talking to safe-looking stranger stresses them out less than it would a typical guy. And, secondly: irrelevant to sex/gender, everyone is an individual person seeking their place under the sun, so every interaction has that “we both are human beings who have own wants and needs” component in it. Shifting focus to that instead of gender and showing genuine curiosity towards who they really are pretty much defines the difference between Nice Guys and kind, wholesome guys. You surely are aware of this already, but hey, reminder wouldnt hurt, eh..

    TLDR: find out what you like, do it often and enjoy, cherish value it brings, and notice things that make you happy and content. People will get curious about you, anyones day improves from interaction with Mr/Ms Sunshine. One more thing – put together physical appearance is always a good thing. People are drawn to those looking healthy, do what you can for a healthier look (and feel!).

  13. guys usually dont approach first lol. maybe join a club at school and try to bond w them in an environment like that where there’s something that ties u together! im friends w a bunch of guys (im a girl) and if i bring another friend to tag along they like are so awkward around the new person lol. i think its just a guy thing! just initiate things and they should be cool!

  14. I do better with guys, although I wish I had more women friends. So, I guess sone people just attract the opposite sex.

  15. What’s wrong with being friends with women? Women can be some of the best friends a guy can have. I see what you mean by wanting more male friends, but just remember it just matters that you have friends that care about you and love you at the end of the day.

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