I’m 31yrs old and still single, I’ve never gone to any pub/ DJ party in my life! Seeking advice on how to approach a girl in pub. If everything goes well I’d like to marry same person in future.

1 comment
  1. Yes! Try giving some eye contact and smile first, and see how she responds. If she’s smiling back, you could later approach her and give her a compliment on her hair /clothing for example. If she doesn’t want you gone by now, you can introduce yourself, continue to ask questions about her. Where she’s from, what she’s doing etc. If she’s still talking to you with more than yes / no, maybe offer her a drink (and if so, let her pick it up from the bar to show that you’re honest about not doing anything with it – you can say that you want her drink to be safe and let her be the only one touching it). If she accepts this, you continue the talk and ask for her number. Tell her then and there that you’d love to see her again. If it’s too late at night, she might forget and/or regret, so don’t wait for too much soothing effect from the alcohol if she’s drinking.

    After this, you wait a little bit before contacting her. Getting texts while hungover can make her feel regret for something she later would appreciate. Just because enough alcohol leaving your body will make everything you did feel like a mistake that day. Tomorrow that’s gone. Then you ask her out for whatever.
    I know this for myself. Some guys that’s been heavily texting me the morning after has given me some nasty vibes purely from the bad timing and overall regretting mood I’ve been in. It doesn’t have to ruin everything, but it can delay any process of seeing each other as these bad associations can leave marks and affect impressions. If she text you the day after, you naturally answer as you would with anyone. Then it means she’s definitely kept a good impression and is brave enough to get in touch. And doesn’t regret.

    Good luck, I believe in you!

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