Unfortunately my last relationship ended in a very sad and disappointing way, but I’m feeling ready to meet new people out.

Following the pattern from other posts, few background points:

– almost 34, latina

– never married, no kids

– very close to my family

– live in large city

– work as an er doctor, work 14 or so days in a month but very weird schedule

– live with housemates

– looking for serious relationship only, want children at some point

– hobbies: cooking, baking, yoga, hiking, visiting breweries, road trips and traveling in general, spending time with my nieces and rest of my family

  1. I just hope you don’t live near me – I don’t need this kinda competition lol.

    But seriously, your profile is fantastic. You come across as attractive, smart, well rounded, and nice. Your biggest problem is going to be sorting through the all the numerous matches. Good luck!

  2. Your profile is very bland. Nothing really stands out about your personality. If stuff like close to your family is important to you, that should go into your profile, along with being an ER doctor, which is a very demanding and high-stress job. You are looking for someone who is compatible, so why not sort sooner than later?

    Your current prompts are vague, everyone likes those things. What makes you different from other people? What quirks are yours and yours alone? Maybe you make a really good blueberry pie? stuff like that, vivid details are always better than general statements.

    Your photos are good, put give off a vibe of someone who mostly likes to vacation and lounge, not be active or explore. They are also all posed in the same way, which is weird and kinda off putting, like these are clearly staged and not candid photos. Candid photos project more personality and make you seem more real, and less like a generic ‘trying to look my best’ person.

  3. Great profile. The only thing I’d change is your first prompt, it’s kinda bland.

  4. OP anyone who says they would swipe left are lying lol. I would swipe in a heartbeat

  5. Every time I see these here, I’m genuinely surprised and can’t believe such beautiful, successful women are single.

  6. I like the somewhat subdued nature of your profile. In my opinion it is infinitely preferable to the usual naked backflip dog and pony shows put on by people trying to desperately showcase how interesting they are.

  7. As an also recently single 30-something out of a surprisingly failed LTR, this profile gives me hope lol

    I haven’t done OLD in forever, but I think it’s good enough. I never saw the need for forced quirky things to appear different. You’re just trying to pique interest and sift from there. I think you have enough to do just that. You’ll have no issues getting matches.

  8. OP if I was still on hinge I’d pay to send you a Rose just to get your attention… you’re very much my type… myself I’m Latino, no kids, 38, and I have a passport…. But I like the Costco trips and open communication as I’d comment on those but maybe add more to the ‘what makes a relationship great’ prompt

    I’d maybe change the ‘date from home’ prompt to something else as your pics show you more of the outgoing traveler type

  9. I don’t know any man that wouldn’t swipe right, I think you will have more trouble filtering out the fboys than getting matches

  10. Your pictures are perfect and you are gorgeous. If you want to change anything to see if you get more matches, maybe just change up the prompts so they’re more specific to you and what makes you unique 🙂

  11. OP can I ask how many matches you’re getting that you feel have substance?

    Overall I personally think you have a solid profile. I do see what people say about you having a “bland” profile but I think there is enough to open up honest conversation. However you are asking reddit for help so I assume you’re getting matches but not great ones.

  12. Beautiful, seems very decent and and well educated female.

    I’m sure you’ll get snapped up straight away! Hopefully you find a person equally as great good luck!

  13. Your cool and wish my profile looked this good. As a female I never get to see other woman’s profiles so not sure what to put. So I liked yours and it was a bit funny too. ( I watched love is blind season 2 all of it just the other day.) Also if you have someone help take a photo of you…they know what their doing both my friends…my images always turn out blurry. ( I also have a old phone.)

    Hope you find someone.

  14. You’re super cute. Definitely won’t take you long to find someone. Your profile looks good! Good luck!

  15. Solid profile. I would swipe right. I think the only change would be to maybe add some hobbies you have. Unless you are cool with all messages being about you being a doctor, which is what will probably happen.

  16. You’re going to need a baseball bat to keep away all the matches you’ll get.

    Great profile.

  17. As a 30m, my take would be “She looks great, adventurous, and like she has herself figured out- but I’m not really sure what sort of things she is into”.

    Maybe one group photo doing something fun, or you doing something that you like? For example, as weird as it sounds, a photo of you wearing scrubs or w/e ER docs wear would make me think “oh she’s smart and works in medicine, cool!”. That being said I’m more of a nerdy homebody with a lot of family that works in medicine, so that could be my preferences instead of generally good advice. Best of luck either way 😀

  18. Alex,

    Keep the info about your profession in your profile. High quality males are not intimidated by successful females.

    Your main photo would be better served with a great shoulders up headshot. Your work hours mean you’re not a M-Fer which screens out a lot of potential peeps. We don’t all have banker hours.

    As to your profile, maybe lighten things up a bit. Introduce some lightheartedness if you are not as serious as a heart attack. You’re a cute gal with an adventurous side. Work is work and you wisely focused away from

    One thing I try to do is to playfully deflect from my work in early dating (no more than 2 questions wink wink) so that the focus is on “us”, not a childhood dream job.

  19. I think this is a great profile, OP! You have great photos and divulged enough to convey your personality. I struggled with dating apps, but Hinge and Bumble were the most fruitful apps; in fact, in a sort of indirect way, I have OLD to thank for meeting my husband. I wish you luck!

    Unrelated (but promoted by you mentioning Love is Blind in your profile lol), but if you would like more online friends to gab about LIB (season 2 whew! 🤣) let me know 🤓

  20. Your profile is quite good. Your photos are beautiful and—importantly in a way that is underrated, IMO—mostly fairly colorful.

    I will say your first prompt could be more specific. I think it’s great to state that communication is essential for you in a relationship (and you’re right—it’s critical). But I would use the remaining characters you have available for that answer to either a) articulate a little bit what that means to you, or offer an example of it, or b) add something cute or funny about another important feature of a good relationship for you (e.g., “And, of course, the ability to enjoy garbage television together,” or something. I don’t know, this is just an example of something I might add for a bit of levity, especially since you mention Love Is Blind later in your profile. But make it true to you (and don’t include two garbage TV references in your profile since space is limited, haha)).

    Because you are very beautiful and accomplished, I imagine your main challenge on the apps will not be _attracting_ a lot of interest but rather filtering for the types of guys you might actually be interested in. To that end, being a bit specific about yourself and what you’re looking for could help.

  21. I would add a joke/humor and more about your hobbies. Nothing i. Your photos tells me about who you are and what interests you… or what kind of partner you’re looking for.

    I have some like “must not be afraid to dance and light up the dancefloor with me”

    I’ve seen people make jokes about brunch and drinking. Or sports…

    Basically, you have the looks but need to show the personality too

  22. That’s a great pic: the scene, the framing, the outfit, and the model.
    Your points are all absolutely fine. You seem wonderful and deserve the same.
    I think you’re gonna do fine.

  23. The surfboard pic looks a bit photoshopped/Facetuned on your legs… not sure if guys notice those things but it might be DQ’ing you if they do. (Also you’re clearly super hot and don’t need to edit, but also we all do it so no shade haha. But yeah the proportions are a bit off, something to look out for.)

  24. (34m perspective) You check all the boxes: pretty, good pictures, some depth and humor to your prompts, educated and successful. If you’re struggling to get matches, then I feel confident in saying the fate of the human race is doomed!

  25. I know you asked for a profile review but I hope this is helpful.

    You remind me of one of my best friends’ wives. She is very sweet, driven, successful and comes from a city-worker/blue collar Italian-American family in Long Island. Her upbringing and crazy relatives keep her grounded even as she continues to gain more and more success.

    She and my friend met at a crazy club party using a spontaneous date-app. They both were exactly in your age range. Both are a little more introverted than their nightlife antics would make them appear. He is French, runs an ad agency and also comes from a family in the suburbs. He is also one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met. Just radiates good. On paper you would think they are completely different but there are similarities on a closer look.

    When they met, he was just out of a terrible relationship, and very unsure about starting up again with someone. She on the other hand really saw something in him and wouldn’t let go. She even moved to his neighborhood so they could keep seeing each other. Now they have two beautiful little kids and a brownstone.

    My advice…if you find someone that you think is worth it but they are hesitant, this is the time to be assertive, spontaneous and push for what you want. 33-35 is the time men and women actually find their life partner in big cities. Many men will need that little push.

    I’m sorry about your last relationship. The silver lining is that it has made you ready and aware of what you really want.

  26. My only concern with your profile is that it looks like it might be fake. Too good looking, too sweet, and just a little bit generic.

    It’s like you’re trying carefully not to eliminate any possible matches. Because that’s how fake profiles operate: great but a little generic, so that almost anyone will match.

    I think you should change it up a little to deliberately turn off people who won’t be good long term matches. Having a negative or two won’t ruin your overwhelmingly positive profile. And it’ll show a bit more of who you really are.

    You’re going to get more matches than you could ever meet in person. If you get 1,000 matches and have to spend all day looking for potential keepers, how is that a good use of your precious time?

    Why not try to limit your inbox to people who are worth checking into?

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