My drivers license just expired over a week ago and I’m currently waiting for a new passport which is probably going to take over a month. The only ID I really have right now is a birth certificate lol. I have a gig I’m going to in London soon but I’m afraid I won’t be let into the venue if they see my expired license. What are the odds no one will check or they won’t care? I am almost 30 but look younger :/ Interested to hear if others have been in this situation before and if they were let in….

  1. You might have a Redditor checking the ID’s. Would they let you in?

    Wouldn’t want to roll that dice.

  2. I’ve never been asked for ID at a gig before, and I’m 24 and look younger. I’m sure you’ll be fine

  3. Just renew your driving licence. Cheaper than a passport and the current turnaround time is less than a week.

    You might be fine on the expired one, but you’re going to kick yourself if you don’t renew the licence and they turn you away from the gig

  4. I strongly suspect they’re checking ID as an anti-touting measure as much as age check. Make sure it’s actually your ticket – that’s what’s happened at quite a few gigs I’ve been to. But they only checked 1 in 20 at a guess, and even if they do check you I doubt they’ll check the expiry date as long as it still looks like you in the photo

    Or I’m completely wrong and you get left standing outside and looking like a tit.

    Maybe you could try and phone them and ask?

  5. What venue is it? If it’s a bouncer just looking at the ID, they won’t care or even look at the date I imagine. If it’s being scanned, I’m not sure if the machines tell you whether it’s expired or not but that might cause more problems, although with it being just a week or two past the date, it’s probably easy enough to say ‘oh shit, I didn’t realise, cool I’ll sort that for next time’ and they should be fine with it.

    Basically, you’d have to be a real jobsworth to care. Unfortunately there’s loads out there so it’s down to luck. But I wouldn’t worry too much. Although I would just renew it, I don’t think you need a passport unless you want to use that photo specifically.

  6. expired ID is still ID, it just can’t be used for it’s primary purpose. I’ve been using an expired passport and provisional driving license as ID for years.

  7. I sold a car with an expired passport, it depends on how fussy they are. If the photo is still you and the date is just out I don’t see why they would refuse you. It is up to them though. If it expired a week ago then arent you at least 26, surely it would be ok? How old are they IDing people these days.

  8. I’m just curious what gigs are 18+ tbh, I’ve been to many violent, offensive gigs and they’ve always been 14+

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