If you get mad at ppl not saying hello to you first and you never say hello first, that’s weird. Since you value a hello first, you should give one first. It makes no sense to make someone feel obligated to say hello.

  1. Always set examples, be the better person, you might be mentoring someone that feels awkward or wasn’t taught to say hi, there is nothing to be appaled, or mad about if someone doesn’t say anything, could be they have lot on there mind and not focused on what’s going on around them, always give the benefit of doubt, no one is obligated, but its nice to spread sunshine where there is none. Like that saying goes you don’t know what struggles people going thru, so don’t take things personally, they just might be so focused on there issues, that they are tuned out, so by you giving off a hi first might just brighten there day.

  2. Was thinking about this on a (local neighborhood) walk the other day. i pass by several people and am always conscious that at some point im going to acknowledge them and wave, im trying to get the timing right because i dont want to stare them down the entire time lol but waving and saying hello to people that pass by is definitely an emotional rush because theyre totally expecting it and were probably preparing too since it seems a general rule that exchanging hellos is within 15-20 feet of each other. I’ve said hello to people and didnt get a response back, just a stare (in this case they definitely heard me and saw the gesture), so not everybody is receptive but those who are receptive, are definitely the majority.

  3. “People never reach out to me” mfers when you ask how often they call up distant friends just to say hi and catch up.

    Communication is two ways. Give what you want to get.

  4. Hmm..I am only bothered by this when old people say we young ones dont have any culture and that we dont know to say greeting, while every time I pass someone I say hello and some, most of the elders dont say it back, or they look at you, or totally ignore you, while they go round and say shit about us young people, yet they arent even lil bit better, yet they like to make themselfs high in sky, while we, to them, can only be below them

  5. My favorite is when I say hello and I get a blank stare and then they run off. Like what is wrong with society that they can’t say “hello” back?

  6. I always greet people I know when I see them. I don’t care who says it first.

    If far away, I will wave a hand. If closer, I will speak and give at least a small smile.

  7. Hello or a friendly glance is a gift given freely it’s not free if you expect one back however a friendly exchange would make the world a better place

  8. I don’t know where you live but where I live, we’re so busy that we don’t just say hello to every person that crosses our path. I mean we do say hello when someone else says hello to us first but it’s not exactly a big deal persay if no one says hello to you since they could be busy with something or waiting for someone or not want to get bothered. Either way, it’s not like any of the Etiquette Books say that it’s manditory to say hello to someone no matter what as far as I know that is.

  9. This is a bigger deal than people give it credit because it’s a cruel game of power struggles when it should be about having good manners.

    Here’s an example of how it should work; You get into the office. It would be your move to say good morning to everyone first and EVERYONE that hears you and is able to, should respond in kind. Those that hear you and are able to but choose not to respond are passive aggressive and the power struggle begins.

    If you get into the office and don’t say a word to anyone, but just go to your desk & straight to work. The passive aggressive power struggle started when you passed that first co-worker and made it abundantly clear that you have nothing to say to them and you probably wouldn’t respond if they said good morning first. You are dangerous in the workplace and need help.

    I say all of this to say that saying hello comes with the order of events. If you pass someone on the street and happen to make eye contact, say hello and don’t worry about whether or not they respond. Just have good manners, even when others don’t.

  10. The Individual (Person) Entering The Room Should Greet First. I Was Taught That In Kindergarten.
    Now If You’re Walking Down The Hall Or On The Sidewalk. I’m Not Sure, I Say Hi, Hello First To Everybody Whether I Know Them Or Not. Only About 15% Will Acknowledge My Greeting & Return A Greeting The Other 85% Don’t Look Up & Are Most Likely Saying To Themselves. “I Don’t Know Him/Her, Why Is He/She Speaking To Me”. That’s Just How People Are. It Doesn’t Bother Me People Don’t Return A Greeting. It Bothers Them That I Greeted Them Not Know Who They Are.

  11. As a Brit, we kind of just nod to each other as we pass each other or you do the awkward smile at a stranger. If you know the person and you can tell that there’s going to be verbal communication then you’ve got to be polite and say hello and have that small conversation and carry on with your days. I only get the random hellos, morning/ afternoon if I’m walking somewhere like a nature reserve or forest and it tends to be other walkers or dog owners

  12. I don’t get this, the person that arrives say.hello to the ones that are already there. Is just good manners.

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