We met 2 months ago and only sat and talked 3 or 4 times. I started to like her a lot, but since she had a boyfriend, I thought it would be wrong to tell her about my feelings, so I didn’t tell her. I found out that she broke up with her boyfriend, but I wonder if it’s too early for me to explain my feelings to her. I don’t want to take advantage of her emotional emptiness and confuse her, but I’m afraid that if I don’t tell her she’ll find someone else. And I think we have chemistry but I’m worried that if I tell her about my feelings, we might not be friends anymore. Sometimes I feel like there might be something between us but I’m not very good at understanding those kinds of little signals she shows, maybe this just means we are becoming close friends so I can’t be sure. In the end, I don’t know what to do and I am open to advice.

TL;DR! I want to tell my friend that I like her, but I’m indecisive because she just broke up with her boyfriend and we’ve only known each other for a relatively short time (2 month and we met 3 or 4 times). I don’t want to take advantage of her emotional emptiness, but I’m afraid that if I don’t tell her she’ll find someone else.

  1. You don’t do anything other than continue the friendship you have and *maybe* at some point you’ll feel “I kinda like her, I get the feeling she kinda likes me, guess I’ll ask her out and if she says no, I won’t be weird about it.”

  2. How is she doing post break-up? It really matters because if she’s not doing okay, she doesn’t need this right now. However, if she’s doing okay, have a heart to heart with her and tell her how you feel about her. If she says that she needs time, give it to her and back off.

  3. Nah – you’ve talked “3 or 4 times” in a 2 month period and she’s getting over a breakup.

    She will either reject you because she barely knows you and it’s way too soon after the breakup OR she’ll latch onto you as a rebound, and you won’t be satisfied as she’ll just be using you.

    Bad all around – don’t do it.

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