Recently had an argument about how often is “normal.”

  1. Okay I’ll admit it, i try to do it once a month but it’s probably longer than that most of the time. I know i should do it more often but i just tend to forget.

  2. Once a week. My girlfriend and I both shower right before bed so I don’t see a reason to wash them more often

  3. Every other week.

    I shower before bed, and I don’t bring food or drink into the bedroom(except water).

  4. Generally twice a week, more because the cat & dog sleep on the bed as well. They just sleep on the light blanket, but I wash it all. I have 3 sets so it’s no big deal.

  5. Once a week, on Sundays. Getting into fresh sheets on a Sunday night after a bath is one of life’s great joys.

  6. Every 2 weeks (I also shower in the afternoon/evening, so I don’t have a full day’s grime on me, I guess 😂)

  7. Every week. Same with pillow cases.

    We are lying in bed for 56hrs in that week, they need a wash ppl.

  8. I shower in the mornings. Me and my wife have sex regularly.

    Like, every 6 months.

    I guess we are gross.

  9. I don’t “change” my bed sheets, but every Friday, they come off, get washed and dried, and put back on the bed.

    So I climb into clean sheets every week.

    I look forward to Friday night.

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